







Security check before boarding and departure immigration


After checking in at Spectrum of the Seas, we thought it was time to board the ship.
But before boading, we had to go through a security check of ourselves and our baggage, followed by passport control.

All travelers from all countries will undergo immigration screening at automated gates.




Pic.01 From a picture on the web

マリーナ ベイ クルーズ センター シンガポール(MBCCS)の自動化ゲート

Automated gates at Marina Bay Cruise Center Singapore (MBCCS)



Pic.02  From a picture on the web

マリーナ ベイ クルーズ センター シンガポール(MBCCS)の自動化ゲート

Automated gates at Marina Bay Cruise Center Singapore (MBCCS)



Pic.03 From a picture on the web


These are the automated gates at Changi Airport T2


















Unable to pass through the automated gate!


At the Singapore airport entry, we were able to pass through the automated gate smoothly.

However, when we were leaving the cruise center, I was able to pass through the automated gate without any difficulty, but my wife was not able to pass through at all. If we could not get through, we had to go through the manned gate for re-screening.




The re-screening at the manned gate takes a tremendous amount of time!


My wife was instructed to go to the manned gate, but there were already 5 people in line there. I waited next to them, but I was warned that those who had passed through the gate should go out immediately. However, I told the staff that my wife had not yet passed through the gate, so I stood there and waited. It took about 30 minutes, a very long wait, to get through the gate.









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