107.重要文化財: Important cultural property | 香取神道流の真髄 : Nature of Katori Shintoryu

香取神道流の真髄 : Nature of Katori Shintoryu

日本武道の源流である天真正伝香取神道流の教え : Key learnings from Katori Shintoryu which is an origin of Japanese martial arts









Nagamitsu in the image is an important cultural property and is owned by an individual. It is a wonderful sword. Many people, including Honda Awanokami, possessed it and carefully protected it, and it has been handed down to the present day. Cultural properties have been protected by the power of many families and many people. It was never transmitted by one family or one person. Even though it was bought with a large amount of money, cultural properties are not personal property, but national treasures, everyone's treasures. You should think that you have been allowed to possess it for a certain period of time and have been entrusted with management in order to pass it on to future generations.

Earlier, a former chairman of a large paper company bought a famous Western painting for billions of yen and left his last wish words to put it with him when he died and cremate. It was criticized not only in Japan but all over the world. This former chairman might have misunderstood a cultural property as a personal property and thought that he could do anything. The reputation of this former chairman has fallen to the worst.

Mr Saburo Watanabe is the exact opposite. He possessed and protected many famous swords including Mikazuki Munechika, and his son Seiichiro donated two national treasures including Mikazuki Munechika and 11 important cultural properties to the Tokyo National Museum with the intention of his father. At that time, Mr. Seiichiro stated, "I am delighted to have been able to safely take care of a period in the long history." They are really good people.

Cultural properties, whether tangible or intangible, are not personal property, but national treasures and everyone's treasures. It must not be personalized.