105. 初稽古 : The first training of the year | 香取神道流の真髄 : Nature of Katori Shintoryu

香取神道流の真髄 : Nature of Katori Shintoryu

日本武道の源流である天真正伝香取神道流の教え : Key learnings from Katori Shintoryu which is an origin of Japanese martial arts





The state of emergency was lifted and the first training of the year was held on March 28th. While there were restrictions such as the number of people, we offered new sake and new rice to the shrine of Katori Jingu and prayed for the safety of the year's training.

The purpose of the Katori Shintoryu is the happiness of our family and the prosperity of our offsprings. In the days of Iizasa Ienao, the founder of Katori Shintoryu, there were constant conflicts, and I think that life was always side by side with death. Because of such an environment, he strongly hoped for the happiness of his family and the prosperity of his offsprings. In modern times, people are less likely to be killed in direct conflict. However, even now, it is not easy to live because of bullying, poverty, harassment, and injustice. To overcome such sufferings, strong mental strength, physical health and strength are required. To that end, we will train our mind and body through Katori Shintoryu training. You should never be so absorbed in learning the skills that you don't take care of your family and make them unhappy. Do not mistake the purpose and means of the Katori Shintoryu.

