103.鬼滅の刃 : A sword to kill evil | 香取神道流の真髄 : Nature of Katori Shintoryu

香取神道流の真髄 : Nature of Katori Shintoryu

日本武道の源流である天真正伝香取神道流の教え : Key learnings from Katori Shintoryu which is an origin of Japanese martial arts


渡辺綱が若い女から変化した鬼に愛宕山へ連れ去られそうになり、鬼の腕を切り落としたと伝わる鬼切丸(重要文化財:北野天満宮蔵)を彷彿させます。邪悪にも負けない日本刀の神秘的な力が窺えます。 驚くことに、鬼との戦いの中に剣術の奥義が描かれております。作者はどれほど日本刀のことを学び、剣術を学んだのでしょう。 驚きです。


I watched TV program of "A sword to kill evil".  It is reminiscent of Dousigiri Yasutsuna (National Treasure: Tokyo National Museum) by which Minamoto no Yorimitsu is said to have decapitated Shuten-doji, a demon living in Mt. Oe, and Onikirimaru (important cultural property: Kitano Tenmangu shrine), which is said to have cut off the demon's arm when Watanabe no Tsuna was about to be taken to Atagoyama by a transformed demon from a young woman. You can see the mysterious power of the Japanese sword that is not defeated by evil. Surprisingly, the secret technique of swords is drawn in the battle with the demon. How much did the author learn about Japanese swords and learn sword technique ?  I'm very much impressed.