4.兵法とは平法 A way of fighting should be a way of pe | 香取神道流の真髄 : Nature of Katori Shintoryu

香取神道流の真髄 : Nature of Katori Shintoryu

日本武道の源流である天真正伝香取神道流の教え : Key learnings from Katori Shintoryu which is an origin of Japanese martial arts




The founder was borned in 1387 and lived at Muromachi era when a lot of civil wars such as civl war of Onin etc occured. He is thought to have strongly felt rise & fall and mutability in his life because his landlord of Chiba was ruined.

It is said that he was taught Katori Shintoryu by the god of Futsunushi living at Katori Shrine when he was 60 years old and trained for 1000 days in the mountain of Baibokuzan. He concluded a way of fighting should be a way of peace as a result of the 1000 days training. A way of fighting is usually to teach you how to win. However, he taught it should be how to make a peaceful world.

I felt how tragic and sad he experienced from a lot of civil wars through his teaching of how important a peace is and how to make it at the era when they needed to kill, deceive, defeat their enemies for their survival. I am deeply sorry to say that a lot of wars and disputes among human beings are still taking place in the contemporary world and will be never ended in the future. We must contribute to realization of a peaceful world for people of the world and our offsprings through Katori Shintoryu in such a contemporary world.

香取神道流の真髄 : Nature of Katori Shintoryu