The growth of my students ~マラウイ記40くらい?~ | ぴぎのOptimistic Life

ぴぎのOptimistic Life


今日、新1年生入学(Today, new Form1 students came to school)音譜

なんだか朝からワクワクラブラブ(I had been excited about seeing them since I woke up this morning)

今年の1年生はどんな子たちかな~(What type of sutdents are they? very talkative? energetic? or quiet?)

元気いっぱいだといいな~(I willl be glad if they are energetic!! )

なんて思いつつ、6時半には学校へ 笑(I was thinking like that, then went to school around 6:30a.m.)

そしてついにご対面~~宝石赤(・・・Finally I saw them!!)

・・・小さっっっ!!(Too small~~)

まだまだ幼い子供。(They are still child)

そんな彼らを見て、1年前を思い出しました。(They made me remember last year.)

そう言えば、今のForm2の子が入学してきた時も同じような印象を受けたよな~(Form2 students were also just child when they entered school)

それが今ではだいぶ大人になったなぁなんて(But now they grew up and seem to be little bit adult

ちょっと感慨深くなってしまいました。(I was filled with deep emotion)

子供が成長していく様はなんか良いですね~(It is nice to see that children are growing)

って私、子供いないんですけど。。。(even though I don't have children...)

いいんです。私にとって生徒は自分の子供と同じです。(But it's OK!! My students are same as my child)

自分の子供のように愛情たっぷりに毎日接しているつもりです。(I treat them with deeeeeeep love everyday)


(Sometimes I was thinking a lot or regretted having told them off. Why did I tell them off? Was it for them or myself?)

毎日そんな感じでこの1年間彼らと過ごしてきました。(As I have said I spent one year with them )

けど、忘れずにずっとあった心(However I have never forgotten my heart)

「彼らのために出来ることは全てやりたい」("I want to do everything that I can do for them")

そして、ありがたいことに、こんな未熟な私に生徒も頑張ってついて来てくれました。(And they have been following me with their effort though I'm also still inexperience. I'm really proud of them & appreciate their effort)

生徒に教えているつもりが私も生徒に教えられていた日々。(I intented to teach a lot of things to them, but they tought a lot to me)

残り1年も彼らと共に成長していけたらいいなと思います。(I expect that we can improve ourself together )

明日からは新たな新1年生との戦いもスタート!!(Anyway, The battle between me and new Form1 students will start from tomorrow!!)

そしてさっそく、明日は1日10コマというあり得ないスケジュール・・・(From the beginnig it is so~ tough because every Tue, & Thur. I have 10 periods in a day. Oh my God....)

いっぱい食べて体力つけねば><(I have to eat a lot and get energy==)

あ~アフリカにいるのに太っていく私・・・(Ah I have gained in Africa and still am growing)

雨期が終わってマラリアの季節が去ったら帰国に向けてダイエットします。(After rainy and Malaria season, I start to diet!!! for Japan)

それまではいっぱい食べさせてしょぼん(So please let me eat now.....)