The location where Chisato and Takina meet the car driven by Mizuki (costumed version) to escort Walnut is near the parking lot near Kita-Ayase Station. Kita Ayase Station is the terminus, or rather the only station, of a branch line that splits off from Ayase Station on the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line.


The road where they get off the station and begin their walk is actually by the station.



The place I am photographing is not on the sidewalk, but on the grounds of Shobu Swamp Park, which stretches right next to the station. A short walk to the left will bring you to the example parking lot.



The supercar did not stop.



Mizuki's car jumps out from the baseball field across the parking lot.



Two people are about to get into a car. The elevated Chiyoda Line can be seen in front.



The location where the car backs out is near the Adachi Yanaka Post Office.



Finally, the assassins chasing Walnut lost their car and stopped on the other side of Shobunuma Park. The large arrows are impressive.



If they lost sight of Mizuki and he ran out of the baseball field, Mizuki must have been very forceful and ran out of the park, like this. www.



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The anime images shown are used for discussion purposes only. All images are copyrighted by A-1 Pictures.