

All Japan Model U.N.

‘Iolani’s Model U.N. team had a spectacular performance at the All Japan Model U.N. Conference over Christmas break.  Almost 300 students from dozens of schools and about a dozen countries participated in the conference. Over two thirds of the participants were college students.

There were two English-speaking committees. Our students collaborated with students from Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Nepal, India, China, and of course Japan. Rysen Hirata-Epstein ’22, Braden Lee ’22, Brandon Haruki ’22, and Niko Yim ’22 participated in the committee that dealt with the use of artificial intelligence to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.  Braden Lee ’22 playing the role of delegate from Canada won Outstanding Delegate award in this committee. Brandon Haruki ’22 and Niko Yim ’22 playing the role of joint delegates from the United States won the top award, Best Delegate. In the other English-speaking committee, Matthew Sohn ’19 and Kyung Ju Lee ’20 played the joint delegation of Israel in a committee dealing with the protection of human rights while combating terrorism. They won the Outstanding Delegate award for that committee.

“I learned about the international style of doing Model U.N.,” said Kyung Ju Lee ’20 The truly international nature added authentic learning to the simulation learning. “I’ve learned a lot about cultural sensitivity on this trip,” said Matthew Sohn ’19 describing what he learned just being in Japan and outside of the conference.   Matthew and Niko shared a room for a while with the delegate from Nepal. Interacting with students from other countries, they got to see how other peoples view the United States. It presented challenges and new opportunities for learning. “The whole experience expanded my sense of our place in the world, as well as our interaction with others,” said Niko Yim ’22.

Hawaii All-State Marching Band

Three of our own marching band members performed with the Hawaii All-State Marching Band at the Rosebowl Parade on New Year's Day. Tiana Conching '19 (who was our drum major this year) and Sean Ceria '20 performed in the trumpet section, and Wyatt Lance '22 was in the French horn section. They had been attending rehearsals throughout the fall, but the O'ahu group only combined with the students from the other islands once they were in California. They reported that the early morning Pasadena winter weather, while dressed in aloha wear and holding a large piece of metal to your lips is frigid,but it quickly warmed up as the sun came out. "It went by really fast and didn't quite feel like 5.5 miles," according to Conching '19.

As part of their trip, the students got to enjoy some theme parks (including being able to perform at Disneyland), and also took part in band exchanges with bands from Japan and from Puerto Rico. During these exchanges, bands took turns performing pieces for each other and were encouraged afterward to meet each other and 'talk story' and trade pins. Said Sean Ceria '20 of his experience, "Overall, I thought this was a great opportunity and I made a lot of new friends from other schools and also from other countries."

Intermediate Speech

On Saturday, January 12, The Iolani Intermediate Speech Team capped off its season with a win for highest number of superiors. The team of 42 participants spent weeks practicing their pieces before school, after school, and at lunch, and it paid off: they earned over 68 superior ratings.

Coaches Debra Otsu, Lisa-Anne Tsuruda, Theresa Falk and Lei Fortuno wish to congratulate their amazing team, as well as thank the parents, faculty, and staff who have supported the team all year. Go Raiders!

3rd Grade Collaboratory Cardboard Arcade

3rd grade Collaborators held their annual Cardboard Arcade this past November. This event showcased student creativity and responsibility as they learned to be contributing members of their community. The Cardboard Arcade is part of our yearlong theme, “How can I be a contributing member of my society?” Students were encouraged to use recycled materials when building their arcade game todemonstrate that materialscould be repurposed rather than go to a waste facility. Students used the Design Thinking process in the creation and construction of their arcade style games.  

Not only did the Cardboard Arcade provide entertainment for our Lower School Community, but the money collected from the admission charged to play at the Arcade was used to purchase supplies to make 250+ Holiday Care Packs to pass out to local homeless individuals.  Supplies included soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, sunscreen, lip balm, snacks, bottled water, and a message of hope. By using their talents, the 3rd graders discovered a fun way to be contributing members of their school and local communities.

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