

 今回のお題はAmelia Earhartの事故。知らなかったのだけれどとても有名な飛行家らしい。


It was ten o’clock , 2 July. Amelia sat on a cockpit seat of the Electra plane. She wore a usual cotton plaid shirt and a baggy men’s pants. Her blond short hair was unkept as usual, but such rough style suited her because she was slender and tall. Only final check before the departure was left.

Earhart’s plane got altitude to eight-thousand feet high toward the sun, and flew aiming to the sky above the New Britain Island. The surface of the ocean which is continued from Lae was clear and was scattered with coral leaf. It was different from stagnant water around New Guinea. The planned arrival time was six thirty on the same day in Howland time. The flight was expected to take over eighteen hours.

But Amelia Earhart could not get delighted with the enjoy of the complete of the exploration flight over the Pacific Ocean. She did not arrive at California over the horizon , either.

After the departure from Lae, Earhart’s plane did not reach the Howland Island which was remote in the Pacific Ocean.

“The visual field is bad.”

“I am searching the island, but cannot find it. The fuel is reducing・・・”

Clearly excited voice in confusion was left. The lady pilot and the arerial navigator disappeared somewhere in the Pacific Ocean with the plane.



【今日の一日】4:00起床 23:20就寝  

【今日の体調】体重 73.8㎏ 体脂肪率 18.2% 内臓脂肪レベル 10 皮下脂肪14.6% 基礎代謝 1,599㎉ BMI 25.4 筋肉レベル 8 骨レベル 8 体組成年齢 49歳 バランス年齢 49歳

朝の血圧 138-82 夜の血圧 123-80

【今日の歩数】12,261歩 8.6㎞

【こづかい】850円(昼食 650円 飲料 200円)


【昼ごはん】新橋駅東口北側「さがたに」で、鴨せいろそば 650円 わかめがセルフでこれは珍しい。

 この値段で十割そばをいただけるのは本当にすごいと思う。 鴨肉もしっかりした歯ごたえ。 座ったので「立ち食いそば」ではないけど、雰囲気はまさにそう。


 十割蕎麦 さがたに 新橋銀座口店 (嵯峨谷) - 新橋/そば | 食べログ (tabelog.com)


・牛肉と筍のオイスターソース炒め ・海老とキャベツの炒めもの ・トマトとほうれん草のサラダ ・青梗菜のみそ汁 ・炊き込みご飯





・虎に翼 8話  

 これは難しい。夫に管理能力がないとは言えそうにない中、どう考えても原告の妻は敗訴しそう。でも、朝ドラだからそんなにどよ~んとしたことにはならずにどこかでどんでん返しがありそう。たぶん、法廷に「正解」はなく、正解は作り出していくもの。 にしても、結婚は罠でしたか。




Kishida promises more collaboration in AI

Japanese prime minister Kishida Fumio is set to have summit  with U.S. president Joe Biden  that will focus in part on trade He sees more opportunity of collaboration that includes innovation that drives mature the economy. Kishida went to U.S. Chamber of Commerce  to speak at a round table of critical emerging technologies.