



It was selected the 4th in “ The Most Wonderful Love-Story Best 100 ” which was announced by the American Film Institute. It is the best work of love-story cinema loved by many people in the world over centuries 

The performance of Audrey Hepburn , who became the legendary star of the Hollywood from an unknown actress , the beautiful scenery of Rome which we can enjoy as a sightseeing guide , etc. This film has countless attraction. The greatest reason this movie has charmed audience for several decades is the completeness of well-made love-story.

The two of hero and heroine never refer to declaration of love until the end. But we, who watch the film, can feel several feeling as like condensation of beautiful love essence together , such as the throbbing they experience , the relief when they are together , the feeling they feel each other ,the pain when they separate , and so on .

“Roman Holiday” is often criticized as a dream fairy tale because the situation of love between difference of social standing. It hides the theme of the rite of passage and the resolution facing loneliness in the casual manner at the back of sweet fantastic romantic comedy.


【今日の天気】曇り 昼もかなり寒い

【今日の一日】4:20起床 23:00就寝  

【今日の体調】体重 73.4㎏ 体脂肪率 19.8% 内臓脂肪レベル 10 皮下脂肪16.1% 基礎代謝 1,566㎉ BMI 25.3 筋肉レベル 8 骨レベル 7 体組成年齢 50歳 バランス年齢 65歳

 朝の血圧 129-89 夜の血圧 124-93

【今日の歩数】11,275歩 7.9㎞



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ブギウギ 67話 

 羽鳥先生、そんな飲み方はいくら酔えなくても危険。先生の運命は?? それにしても、野草を茹でたのだと思うのだが、野草には毒があるものもある。大丈夫だったのだろうか?

ブギウギ 68話

 宝くじに当たったらチャップリンを呼べるというのはボンボンの発想と考えるべきか、興業会社の跡取りの自覚の表れと見るべきか。私はひたすら鰻を食べたいと言う小夜ちゃんの方に同意見 買う前から外れる馬鹿はいるめえ!というのにも同意。

ブギウギ 69話




ラジオビジネス英語  49課 

 take the trouble to~ わざわざ~する 

 That's the point of taking the trouble to go on a business trip. 

 Thank you for taking the trouble to come all the way fom Osaka. 

 Thank you for taking the troubule to put together the list. 

 put together まとめる