こち亀の時間だ!! | anime, video games, and cosplay !!


I finally have it, what you say??? It's Kochikame on DVD everybody !!

Yeees, now as everyone who's anyone(that knows about this series) knows it is not dubbed, nor is it licensed in the US. There will never ever be an English dub or subtitles because of this. These episodes are completely raw, but I have no complaints because I've been watching Kochikame raw. The only probably was that when I would look for the episodes online I would find them and then a day later they would disappear. It would always be unfortunate but they kinda aren't supposed to be there anyway xD

Anyway I was looking around on amazon a few weeks ago and found that they were selling this DVD. Apparently amazon Japan went world wide which explains why the DVD popped up only recently when I searched for kochikame in there. There were actually 3 more on there which I will get my hands on eventually, but for now I got this one and I'm loving it already <3

The opening is "Katsushika rhapsody" I think its called, and the animation for the opening is completely hilarious. Ryotsu, Nakagawa and Reiko are on patrol I guess. Then a criminal runs by and knocks over Ryotsu's ice cream. Ryotsu is pissed and going by his logic he's gonna catch the dude that knocked over his ice cream more so then the fact that its a criminal xxxxxxxxxDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Ryotsu eventually catches up with the dude and gets him to buy him 4 ice creams which is why he's looking all perturbed right there !! Of course at the end of that part then you see the cop car take the criminal away and Buchou reprimanding Ryotsu again probably because all the stuff he knocked over on the way to catch that guy. But all that hilarious stuff and that's just the OPENING !!

Now I only had time to watch 2 episode today and I had to do quite a bit to be able to watch them since my DVD player won't play the DVD. But the first episode on there was episode 110, says the back of the DVD. This episode actually kinda reminded me about an episode that was in the live action tv drama when Ryotsu had a child hood friend that grew up to become a yakusa while Ryotsu went on to become a police officer. It was quite fascinating. Of course the anime version will be a bit more colorful because its anime and all. There is even one point where Ryotsu catches the dude and they were fighting and they really did get into quite the scuffle. Many details I probably missed because I don't understand everything just yet but in the beginning Ryotsu was familiar in acknowledging him while the dude kinda wasn't hearing it at that point. Don't wanna spoil it but instead I do wanna watch it again along with the other 2 on the DVD <3

I've NEVER ever seen this ending of Kochikame. Its actually rare I even see most openings now that I think of it but the ending here is really hilarious and in the begining of it Ryotsu is in what I like to call a "Disco Stu suit" with the mic !! Ryotsu became Disco Stu I think :O

Soo the second episode I got to see was actually another episode I haven't seen(in the anime anyway) and it was the episode where Ryotsu's brother gets married. There father kinda didn't want Ryotsu to come because he knows Ryotsu gets crazy at parties. So he got a disguise and hung around Ryotsu's place to raid his mail and remove the letter. It was soo funny because he almost got discovered twice but Ryotsu is so dense that even Buchou and Nakagawa can ware poor disguises and he'd never know xD Anyway, what was assumed to be a disaster ended up turning out quite well. Sometimes you need someone like Ryotsu to get the party rolling and everyone to loosing up a bit <3

Anyway I'll have to check out the other 2 episodes another time but the 2 I already saw were very entertaining :D I hope they keep releasing more DVDs like this so I can buy them and have them instead of having to look online for them xD I also can't wait to get the second session DVD because that's the one that has episodes 1 and 2. Now surely if there was a DVD of the kochikame movie I would be all over it like a bad disease !!

But anyway till next time, and I will probably make a video about this to take my mind off the fact that this weekend is animeNEXT weekend and it being the first year since 2007 that I am unable to go x-x