As a politician, I, like the philosopher emperor Marcus Aurelius, will do the best I can do at the present time "NOW" in my great political role.
That is the only way I can, given and to go on.

The cherry blossoms I love are beautiful because they bloom and fall, using everything they have in a single moment.

My life is also a moment. My life is also a moment, especially when I am blooming. I do not think about my blooming beautifully. I will just do my best to make my own best flower bloom with all my might.

For that, I will live with all my might. I will just live. There is no point in lamenting the shortness of life. I will live fully till my limit, given life and time to the fullest.

Crystallize the true life in a short time.

We must live for our own soul. We must crystallize the life and time we have lived.

The will to live is not expressed just as words. But also the footprints of how we lived will remain at the same time.

It is the will that cannot be expressed in words that may be transmitted to others. No matter what kind of environment we encounter, we will live our lives to the fullest, and our lives will shine, sparkle, and crystallize.

I do not have as much time as a professional philosopher. Still, through experience, reading, and thought, which only I can accomplish, even if it is only for a moment, I cherish my time and move forward step by step, wholeheartedly, toward new truths. We will make sure that the accumulation of these steps will produce something. After all, crystallization is necessary. We will create a beautiful thought without impurities.

Truth is something that can be approached only through a series of wills to seek and live.
Isaac Newton wrote in a 1675 letter to fellow scientist Robert Hooke, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. The elucidation of truth is only possible through the accumulation of the wills of many people.

I want to get closer to the truth for my successors, and I want to leave my footprints behind. I hope that one day my descendants will be sinified in some small way as a foundation for approaching the higher truth. In this given life.

I do not believe in God, but I feel that "something willed" the birth of this universe. Generally speaking, this would be called God, but God as commonly used is "only an object to be believed in, not an object to be known. I think that there is a cosmic will.

If there is a cosmic will, it transcends the life span of the universe and may be eternal. Originally, living beings, including humans, the sun, and the universe are finite. What humans can perceive is finite in terms of current physics. However, from a different point of view, we may be limited by numerous finite things, even though we are infinite beings by nature.

The root of my soul's search for truth may be the Buddha nature, the so-called Idea, the Monad, the Absolute Spirit. It would encompass and sublimate all the various concepts. This root is giving something from the inner depths of essential life and from the universe. I was given life in this physical world in order to record in words the voice of my own essential life and the voice from the universe. I was born in order to come as close as possible to the essential truth, the Buddha Dharma, in this earthly world.

The world is impermanent, and everything changes. However, what does not change is the truth and the Buddha-dharma. What springs from new knowledge and truth is probably endless. Is it in the nature of the soul to fly toward eternity in this finite universe and life? Is there infinity expanding within me at this very moment, at this very moment?

If we can connect with the infinite, if we can become one, even if we have a finite life, we may be able to transmit the infinite life beyond time and space. The finite environment, though seemingly finite, is inherently infinite. Perhaps it is the activity of life that aims for the infinite that we are called upon to do.

If possible, I hope that "true eternity" will be discovered in my lifetime. New physics may have that possibility. We may be able to draw from this new knowledge a fountain of light into infinity. If so, we may be able to manifest the infinite within the finite self. We may also be able to establish the philosophical idea of the "eternal now. It may be possible for the finite to transcend the finite and become infinite.

That is the hope for what is destined to die.