My MENTOR Shakyamuni (Gautama Buddha) lived to be 80 years old.
He attained his enlightenment at the age of 30, passed his nirvana to many people, and finally accepted his fate and died of food poisoning. Shakyamuni did not perform any miracles or prophecies. He died as a just common man.
Did my mentor/master think that life is short? I always think this question.
I am working in politics now.
Meeting and talking with many people (voters) in a day and participating in receptions.
I don't think I spend more than an hour a day on myself (my hobby, my learning and my empty time).
I spend 5 or 10 minutes of my free time reading a book or taking a walk, but I rarely have a satisfying day.
As I write this, I hear my master's voice saying, "Just being alive is enough."
My master whispered that I should only think about living in gratitude for the absolute life and absolute once life that was given to me, rather than whether it was short or not.
Live my life to the fullest, today, again.
Carpe Diem,
Kenzo FUjisue