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丹田呼吸法セラピー代表 藤麻美子の公式ブログです。丹田呼吸法セラピーで心身ともに健康で幸せに、ワクワク人生を送りましょう!




People I admire 3 abdominal breathing

Around three and a half years ago, I went to my high school class reunion. I was glad to see my former classmates.

At first, each classmate talked how she has been doing. When I listened to Mamiko talk, I wanted to know more about her activities. She said that she devised a method for a kind of abdominal breathing for curing her own mental and physical disorders, and confirmed its efficacy. Then, she held seminars on her abdominal breathing to help people who had similar trouble. Since I had a pain in my legs because of neuralgia at that time, I approached to her and asked,

“Can your method dull my pain?”

She said,

“Yes, but it takes a long time, because it took a long time for you to develop your physical disorder. You’re welcome to my seminar.”

Around six months later, I decided to take her seminar.

She taught me her abdominal breathing, when I took her seminar for the first time. When you try the breathing, you take 5 seconds to breathe in, imagining that you are taking the air into your lower belly. Then you take 10 seconds to breathe out, imagining that you are blowing up a balloon. The important thing for you is to breathe basking in the sun. Just imagining the sun is good enough.

After trying the breathing, we did various kinds of exercises to Hawaiian music. She says each exercise means a lot. Next, we tried the abdominal breathing again, using special aroma oil. Then we meditated on our favorite nature like the sunrise, greenery in a forest or a cool sea coast. After we did some stretching exercises, we lay on our mats in perfect relaxation. At the end of her seminar, I was so refreshed that I wanted to continue taking her seminars.

Three years have passed. I still take her seminar twice a month, so my physical condition has become better now. I think my mental condition is also improving. She says that “serotonin”, a hormone triggering the happy feeling, is more likely to be produced by basking in the sun. I really thank her. She published her third book recently, and she plans to spread her method to various places in Japan. I’m inspired by her abundant energy and passion. This remakable woman is Mamiko Fuzi, the representative of the Japan Tanden Breathing Therapy Association.

My leg ache? I forgot all about it.

