After being comforted by my Bible app yesterday,
After talking to Him and asking for help,
Something good has happened that lift my spirit and mood up.
I know it was not just a coincidence.
How great He is?
Thank you, God.

And as I was able to evade the pulling (down to the abyss)
I did this.
Another one of my "恋虹の世界" collection. 💜🍀

I thank You, God
For always being there,
For not leaving my side
Even when I thought of myself
As worthless, failure, not enough.
Thank You,
For letting me see and feel
The light again
And for igniting
The flame that is within.
I love You so much
Thank You, my confidant
Thank You, our Heavenly Father
I will work hard, harder
Be more confident
Trust myself
And continue
On doing the things that I love
I will continue on being kind,
Compassionate, understanding, loving,
Caring, and gentle to the people around me
In this way, I am showing You my faith,
In this way, I am showing You my deeds.

