Strange world pink dream light district(1)



Traditional Chinese Music




I wonder how many generations have passed before 

I am here now.As I curled up in my pod, I finally found my way 

into the bed






`What are you trying to tell me?'' `As you know, At my age, I 

don't have the strength to do anything.'' Well, you come to my

 side and then you're gone.'' But at this age, I sometimes notice.










"That means that no two people lead the same life. I don't think

 there will be any objections."

``Each person is a variable, like x.y,z------'' 


That's why it may be difficult to solve problems even if you

 worry alone or lament your personal misfortune.''

``Both Buddha and Christ were surrounded by disciples and

 came closer to the truth of the world.''


``I thought two people were better than one person, and

 three people were better than two people. Two people was

 too close.'' ``It's a cubic equation with three variables. 

If we take care that each other doesn't feel lonely, then we

 can see the beauty of life.''




遥かなる遺伝子の旅 めぐり合う3人 人生の旅路に何を語り合う

A faraway genetic journey, three people who meet each other, 

what they talk about on their life journey



"Your shadow on the kimono - on the lingering scent"



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