





<Week 3>

説明ルール リポート文

指定ルール 話し手の発言態度を表す副詞

指定ルール 程度を表す副詞の前置き

指定ルール 助動詞




Opening Talk


















R:Hey, everyone. This is Akino Roza. Welcome to another fun-filled Friday.


D:And I'm David Evans. It's time for the review.♪






Listening Challenge



Lesson 11

Q: Which of the following is true?

A: Cynthia is an English teacher.

B: Ryan wants to write a book.

C: Cynthia and Ryan went to the same high school.



Lesson 12

Q: How was Renji's Japanese history test?

A: It was hard.

B: He got a perfect score on it.

C: His classmates prepared well for it.



Lesson 13

Q: Which of the following do the two people taste?

A: Soup that the woman made

B: Soup that takes an hour to make

C: Soup that is not made from pork bones



Lesson 14

Q: Who will go to the hair salon and for what?

A: Adam will go there for a haircut.

B: Roxy will go there for a haircut.

C: Adam's wife will go there before going shopping.





Say It in English




Situation 1 夫の同僚に初対面のあいさつ


Husband's coworker: Hi, nice to meet you.


You: Hi. Nice to meet you too. I heard that you like roses. I like them as well.

After a couple of drinks, I'll take you to my garden. You may be interested.






Situation 2 アイドルグッズが在庫切れ


Customer: Do you have this?


You: An acrylic stand of HIROTO48? Unfortunately, that item is so popular, and we're out of stock right now.

Could you wait until the next delivery? It's next Wednesday, I believe.


acrylic 発音→ /əˈkrɪl.ɪk/


I believe ~ は「~だと信じる」

☞ I think ~ よりも強くかたく響く言い回し



Key Sentences of The Week


Week 3


1. 私は、あなたがバンドのマネジャーを辞めたと聞きました。

2. 真面目な話、難しい試験でした。

3. それは本物の豚骨スープのように驚くほど豊かです。

4. 私は少し遅れるかもしれません。












1. I heard that you quit as manager of the band.

2. Seriously, it was a hard test.

3. It's surprisingly rich like real tonkotsu soup.

4. I may be a little late.





Ending Talk



R:You know, we should make an acrylic stand of Hiroto.


O:Ha-ha. No, thanks.


D:Really? I think it would sell pretty well, to be honest.


R:You know what? Let's make one of David.


D:Oh, me?


O:Let's do that!






O, R, and D:Bye.








Lesson 11  90回め

Lesson 12  80回め

Lesson 13  70回め

Lesson 14  60回め

Lesson 15  50回め



今日の Situation 1 で「ちょっと飲んだら」で after a couple of drinks という表現がありましたよね




He always makes a fool of himself after a few drinks.












Have a nice day!