



























Opening Talk
























R:I don't mean to be rude, but you're not so funny.

Hi, everyone. This is Akino Roza.


D:And I'm David Evans. I'm pretty sure that joke is well known.






Today's Dialogue



Mr. Emori & Cindy


E: So, here we are in Matsuyama. It's good to be here again.

C: It's so quiet and peaceful. I can see why this place is famous for haiku.

E: Me too. The great haiku poet Masaoka Shiki is from here.

C: Masaoka Shiki's haiku are quite interesting.

E: Yes. He is known far and wide for his writings.

C: I don't mean to be rude, but he is not so well known outside of Japan.

E: Well, he was good friends with Natsume Soseki.

C: Oh, yes, the famous novelist. Soseki is pretty well known.




Lesson Notes


be good friends with ~




Typical Expressions





Key Sentence


I don't mean to be rude, but he is not so well known outside of Japan.













D: OK, it's time for today's practice. Sometimes we need to say something that may have a strong or negative impact. So before we say it, we give the listener a cushion, something to soften the impact of the words. Today's phrases practice those. So let's master them, OK?


R: Let's go.


D: Here's our first.



No disrespect intended, but ~

With all due respect, ~

No offense, but ~

No offense to you, but ~


R: Let's keep going.



Sorry, but ~

Excuse me, but ~


Sorry to be so direct, but ~(「たいへん直接的な言い方で申し訳ないのですが~」などの言い方もある)



D: All right. Let's keep up the pace.



I hope you don't mind, but ~

I hope you don't mind me saying, but ~

Forgive me for asking, but ~

And one more.

I don't mean this in a bad way, but ~



R: You guys were fantastic.


D: With all due respect, Roza, that's absolutely true. Great work, everyone.




Typical Expressions in Action



(1) I don't mean to be rude, but that just sounds like an excuse to me.



(2) With all due respect, we tried your ideas and none of them worked. It's time for a new approach.



(3) I hope you don't mind, but this isn't the first time I've heard a salesperson make such a promise.




My Takeaway



『英会話 話を組み立てるパワーフレーズ 講義編』をもとに、2020年度の学習事項をたどっています。(当時は番組を聞いていませんでしたので、今年度の内容と重なる箇所を見つけて、そこから2020年度分を回収中です)



Lesson 168 批判❽:批判を和らげる


No offense, but don't you think you're overreacting?


Don't get me wrong. I'd love to help, but you got yourself into this mess, so you should take care of it!


I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I think you're making a big mistake.







Ending Talk



O:Hey, it's time to wrap up this lesson, right?


D:That's right.


O, R, and D:Bye.




Today's Oral Reading and Recitation



Lesson 230 100回め

Lesson 231 70回め

Lesson 232 60回め

Lesson 233 50回め



『 呪術廻戦 』の呪術師って、平安時代の陰陽師みたいなものでしょうか?





Have a fantastic day!