



























Opening Talk















O:I did it my way. 🎶







R:This is Akino Roza.


D:And I'm David Evans. Let's get ready to go.






Today's Dialogue


Kelly & Akira


K: Today we have a very special guest. I'd like to welcome to the show astronaut Kuze Akira.

A: Thank you, Kelly. It's great to be here.

K: I'm sure you mean here on Earth.

A: Exactly. You know where I've just come from.

K: I do! Akira, you survived on Mars longer than any human being in histroy.

A: Yes, it was a very difficult experience, but I ー

K: And as a Japanese astronaut ー

A: If I could just finish...

K: Oh, sorry, go ahead.

A: It was difficult but...I did it my way.




Lesson Notes


I'd like to welcome to the show astronaut Kuze Akira.

➫一番正常な語順なら astronaut Kuze Akira は welcome のあとに来るが、強調のために後置されている


I did it my way.

my way は「私のやり方で」という副詞的な働き



Typical Expressions




Key Sentence


If I could just finish...



➫ just で強調を加えながら、「もし最後まで言うことができたら…」という発言









D: All right, everyone, it's time for today's practice. Natural conversations can be messy things. Sometimes it's necessary to take back the right to speak. So, let's practice these phrases just in case you need to do that.


R: Let's begin.


D: Here we go.


Just hear me out.

Hang on.

Hang on a minute.

Just a minute.

Wait a minute.



R: Let's continue.




Let's try that one more time.





D: OK. Here's our next.


Do you mind? I haven't finished.


Let's try that one more time.


Do you mind? I haven't finished.



R: And our last two are a little long, but let's keep going.


Could I ask you to hold any questions until I've finished?

I hear you, and I will certainly address that point later.



D: Hey, Roza. Do you think we should tell them how good a job they did?


R: I hear you, and I will certainly address that point later. Excellent work, everyone.


D: Great work.




Typical Expressions in Action



(1) Just hear me out. I think you'll agree with me once you see the whole picture.



(2) Do you mind? We're close to the end of the presentation. Please be patient.



(3) Could I ask you to hold any questions until I've finished? The presentation may cover what your question is about.




My Takeaway



『英会話 話を組み立てるパワーフレーズ 講義編』をもとに、2020年度の学習事項をたどっています。(当時は番組を聞いていませんでしたので、今年度の内容と重なる箇所を見つけて、そこから2020年度分を回収中です)



Lesson 83 発言権を取り戻す❶:





Lesson 84 発言権を取り戻す❷:



Just hear me out. You'll have the chance to respond after I've finished, OK?


Hang on. Could you at least wait until I've finished my explanation?


Listen, I can't carry on if I keep getting interrupted.




Ending Talk

















Today's Oral Reading and Recitation



Lesson 228 100回め

Lesson 229 90回め

Lesson 230 80回め

Lesson 231 50回め



2020年度 Lesson 83 のダイアログでは、ピーコック教授がアトランティスについての講義をしていたのですね!


Peacock: And based on my research, I have become more and more convinced that...


Monica: Professor Peacock, are you seriously suggesting that Atlantis was a real place?


P: If I could just finish...


M: I mean, what serious scholar believes such nonsense? Isn't it a bit of a leap...


P: Could I ask you to hold any questions until I've finished?


M: OK, Professor. I have several, which I'd like you to answer fully.


P: Don't worry. I will. Now, where was I?



この4年後、映画 Atlantis Wars の脚本を書くと教授自身は予定していたのでしょうか(と言いますか、大西先生はそういう教授の「未来」を2020年度時点で描いておられたのだろうか…などと考えてしまう私です(;'∀'))



Have a great day!