



























Opening Talk
























R:Hey, everyone. This is Akino Roza.


D:And I'm David Evans. I have a night light at my house.


O:Hum, good idea.






Lesson Notes


He's nowhere near as good as I am.



If you use nowhere near in front of a word or expression, you are emphasizing that the real situation is very different from, or has not yet reached, the state which that word or expression suggests. [EMPHASIS] (CCAD)



Nah, I'm not good at writing songs like Bill.


nah = slang for no



Sounds like you'll always be a Desperate Rat.




Typical Expressions





Key Sentence


Yeah, but I'm still a musician.













D: OK, let's jump in to today's practice. Today's phrases are very similar to playing a game of catch. You have to catch the ball first before you can return it. That's the image of these phrases. All right, let's try.




Yes, but ~

That's true, but ~

Right, but ~

Exactly, but ~

Very true, but ~

(very true は洗練された感じのする言い方)



R: Let's continue. This next one is a full sentence.




That may be true, but Bill likes him.


R: Let's try that one more time.


That may be true, but Bill likes him.



D: Moving right along.




That's interesting, but ~

That's a nice thought, but ~

That would be nice, but ~



R: And our last one.




I can understand how you feel, but ~.



R: Great job, guys. I hope you were able to feel the 'push and pull' in these sentences while you practiced.


D: Fantastic work.




Typical Expressions in Action



(1) Yeah, but he's young at heart.



(2) Exactly, but that doesn't mean we can ignore the rules.



(3) I can understand how you feel, but there's nothing we can do about it now. You'll have to wait until tomorrow.




My Takeaway



『英会話 話を組み立てるパワーフレーズ 講義編』をもとに、2020年度の学習事項をたどっています。(当時は番組を聞いていませんでしたので、今年度の内容と重なる箇所を見つけて、そこから2020年度分を回収中です)


Lesson 24 譲歩のフロー❶:引いて押せ


It may look easy, but it's really difficult to make the omelet soft.


Yes, I realize that you have a deadline, but we need more time to make a quality product.


It is true that I promised to help you, but I'm no longer free on that day. Sorry.


Certainly, her report is not perfect, but it is still impressive overall.



Lesson 186 引いて押せ





Takuma: I have been thinking about the graphics. We need to use brighter colors this time.

Miranda: Right, but there are more important things to consider.

Takuma: I also wanted to include a section on Roman gladiators.

Miranda: That's interesting, but it's not exactly connected to our present topic.




Yes, but that's not what the rule says!


Exactly, but it's also important to have time to relax.

Very true, but...

That's true, but...


I can understand how you feel, but we have to put aside our personal feelings.




(『英会話 話を組み立てるパワーフレーズ 講義編』p.413)




Ending Talk



R:Hey, David. Look at sensei's jacket. Don't you think it's a bit flashy for his age?


D:Yeah, but he's young at heart, you know.


O:Wait a minute. I'm young at everything!



O and D:Bye.


R: Bye.



Today's Oral Reading and Recitation



Lesson 220 100回め

Lesson 221 70回め

Lesson 222 60回め

Lesson 223 50回め











Have a great day!