消えたハードドライブやテープはどこへ?(10/04/2022) | トランプ元大統領のサイト"SAVE AMERICA"のNEWS

トランプ元大統領のサイト"SAVE AMERICA"のNEWS

マスゴミに騙されないで! これが真実の姿です

トランプ元大統領のウェブサイト「Save America」の声明 (Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America) を日本語に訳しました。読みやすくするため、訳文は、原文の一文ごとに改行しています。


On top of the lost “Clinton Hard Drive,” there are also tapes from the George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan Administrations which were lost AFTER having been ordered preserved by a Federal Judge. Some hard drives were even “damaged by sloppy handling in the transfer”! The National Archivist actually gave George H.W. Bush "exclusive legal control over all Presidential information.” Compare that to how unfairly and illegally the 45th President, me, has been treated!







