明治維新のプラス面とマイナス面 Sun. Jan. 26, 2020

Advantages and disadvantages Meiji Revolution brought



1.Economic Prosperity: Withdrawal of Tokugawa caused Emperor’s authority; it enabled Japan to compete with western countries.  This was economic and technological competition.  In developing countries, they have just agriculture as their primary products.     We aimed to have heavy industry, such as Yawata Iron Factory in Fukuoka, to catch up with western countries. 

2.Japan was not occupied by other countries.  Continuous wars inside of Japan could have invited European occupation just as China was divided after Nisshin War.



1.   Samurai warriors revolted against Meiji Government: Meiji government tried to abolish identity as Samurai.  Command to abolish swords “Haito-rei”, shattered samurais’ pride.  In Edo era, samurais were respected, valuable, and admirable.

2.   Invasion of Asian countries: They began invading other Asian countries just as Europeans had colonies in Asia and Africa.

3.   Globalization causes social symptoms which we did not have before such as stokers, violent driving and children abuse.  Symptoms in the west likely to occur in Japan decades later.

4.   Pollution: A member of Parliament, Tanaka Shozo protested against Government and the owner of Ashio copper mine of the pollution.


Where to take guests:

Josiah Conder, a British architect, designed the Iwasaki’s mansion, St. Nicholas Church and “Rokumeikan” a dancing hall.  Rokumeikan does not exist today, however. 

Josiah Conder also lectured in Tokyo University and equipped Japanese architect students.  One of his students was Tatsuno Kingo who designed Head Office of National Ban, Tokyo Station Building, , Seishin Women’s University, Mitsubishi Office Building, and the Furukawa’s mansion.

Katayama Tokuma, another student of Conder, designed Akasaka Palace, the State Guest House.