問題2),conveying a lack of seriousness about the concerns and the experiences of members of our Jewish community.をconjunctionのあるclauseに書き換えた場合、そのconjunctionは(. )である→括弧に入るべき1語を入れよ
問題3)問題2の答えのconjunctionの種類は(. ) conjunctionという→括弧に入るべき一語を入れよ
問題5)to "hold those involved in the incident accountable." のholdのobjectに下線をひけ
問題7)hold someone accountable for somethingの意味は
to (. )someone (. ) for what they do and demand a satisfactory reason for itである→(. )に適切な語を入れよ
During Columbia's annual alumni reunion on May 31, 2024, Sorett texted with three other Columbia deans in a disparaging fashion about a panel about antisemitism on campus, responding "yup" to derogatory comments that the other deans had made and at one point texting "LMAO".
On June 8, Minouche Shafik, then President of Columbia University, stated that the messages "revealed behavior and sentiments that were not only unprofessional, but also, disturbingly touched on ancient antisemitic tropes" and were "unacceptable and deeply upsetting, conveying a lack of seriousness about the concerns and the experiences of members of our Jewish community.
"Columbia Provost Angela Olinto announced a series of steps to "hold those involved in the incident accountable."
The three deans other than Sorett were placed on indefinite leave and "permanently removed from their positions at Columbia College" and ultimately resigned on August 8.
Sorett was not placed on leave, but the Provost announced that he would apologize in writing to the Columbia College community and that he would be given "the support and partnership of the deans with whom he works closely to shape and deliver our undergraduate academic programs."[10] Sorett apologized the next day, on June 9.[A petition signed by more than 2,000 students, alumni, and parents called on the college to also remove Dr. Sorett for his role in the incident.
アメリカのトップ大学では粛清の嵐が吹いている。警察官を導入したのがいけないことだと書いているニュースもあるが、あのまま放置していたら、今度は、そのことで避難され辞任に追い込まれただろう。日本の報道、アメリカの報道、いずれを読んでも「本当の事情」が分からない。得体の知れない大きな力が裏で働いており、その勢力に迎合しない学長、学部長は狙い撃ちされる。ちなみに辞任した学長は「Dr Shafik is a highly-respected Egyptian-born economist 」エジプト系アメリカ人だ。