東大を目指すな・University of Maryland College Parkを目指せ | SAT Math 800を達成してハーバードを目指せ!

SAT Math 800を達成してハーバードを目指せ!

トップを目指すにはSAT Math 790~800と SAT Reading/Writing760~800が必要だ

東大文系学部を目指している高校生は今すぐに東大志望という妄想を捨て代わりに、世界の最先端を疾走する大学の一つUniversity of Maryland College Parkを目指すべきである。この大学はGoogle創業者の一人セルゲイ・ミハイロヴィッチ・ブリンの母校だ。この大学に入学後、computer science、physsicsをメジャーにできれば理想的だ。その価値を100とするなら東大文系学部の価値は10だろう。



Whether you know exactly what you want to study or are still figuring it out, we encourage you to explore UMD's academic programs. As you explore you may see that some of our majors are considered Limited Enrollment Programs (LEP). These programs have limited space and, therefore, have more competitive admission criteria.

On the UMD application, you'll select a preferred major. This information will not impact whether or not you are admissible to the university. If you selected an LEP, you will also be reviewed by the specific program to determine admission to your preferred major.

While most students are admitted to their preferred major, some LEP applicants may not be. Students who are undecided or undeclared (working on getting into an LEP) will work with Letters & Sciences advisors to explore their interests or complete LEP gateway requirements.















記事の中のQuEra社のPresident, PhD Takuya Kitagawaは灘高出身でHarvardに進学した人だ。