
◯What is your favorite food?
:Not food, but like to smoke and drink.

◯Favorite animal?
:The reptiles, like snake and lizard.

◯Favorite color?
:Of course, black.

◯How do you think about overseas fans?
:So happy to hear from abroad. Sorry that we couldn't go a lot, but we wanna go and see you soon.

◯Are you getting along well with your members?
:We have been friends for a long time, so not just on the outside, we are good friends at heart.

◯How do you think about woman loves woman?
:No problem for me. Nobody must stop them when someone is falling in love with each other. Though it's same sex or not.
 There might be many troubles, but what you feel is the truth. That's what I think.

◯What is the most important thing for you in the whole world?

Thank you all for your messages from overseas. I'm so glad.
I can feel your big love to me and exist†trace from it.
I promise you to go to your city someday, though we can't go much.
Love you.

...and Miko, thanks for the translation.