NEJM resident 心室動脈瘤 | えりっき脳内議事録(えり丸)


Diary and memo written by a pathologist.

Ventricular Aneurysms 心室動脈瘤

The vast majority of ventricular aneurysms result from myocardial infarction, and an isolated left ventricular apical aneurysm is typically the result of an occlusion of the distal left anterior descending artery.


How does cardiac sarcoidosis typically present?

Sarcoidosis can lead to patchy infiltration of the left ventricular myocardium and, when extensive, may produce left ventricular aneurysms. Patients typically present with heart block or ventricular arrhythmias, whereas left ventricular dysfunction is rare. Moreover, when sarcoidosis involves the heart, there is almost always evidence of other organ involvement, for example, in the lungs, eyes, skin, or lymph nodes.



What is Takotsubo cardiomyopathy?

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is also known as transient left ventricular apical ballooning syndrome or stress cardiomyopathy. One of the hallmarks of this syndrome is that the apical ballooning is transient, typically resolving in days to weeks. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy typically arises in the context of acute emotional or physical stress. It often resembles an acute coronary syndrome. The pathognomic findings are ballooning (dilatation and akinesis) of the left ventricular apex, with compensatory hyperkinesis of the basal walls of the left ventricle. Coronary angiography reveals no obstructive coronary-artery lesions; in addition, the distribution of left ventricular dysfunction often extends beyond the distribution of a single coronary artery.


Morning Report Questions

Q: How is Chagas' disease diagnosed?
A: In the acute phase, the diagnosis of Chagas' disease is made by visualization of parasites on thin and thick blood smears stained with Giemsa, but the parasites become difficult to detect by 3 months after infection. During the chronic phase, immunodiagnosis is most commonly used. Two tests are routinely performed: an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and an indirect immunofluorescence test for antibodies.

Q: シャーガス病はどのように診断するか?
A: 急性期では,シャーガス病の診断は,薄・厚両方の血液塗抹標本をギムザ染色し,寄生虫を可視化することで診断が下されるが,寄生虫は感染後3か月までには検出することが困難になる.慢性期では,免疫学的診断がもっとも一般的に使用される.酵素結合免疫吸着法(ELISA)と,抗体による間接免疫蛍光法の2つの検査が日常的に行われる.

Q: How is Chagas' disease treated?
A: There are currently only two agents with antitrypanosomal activity: benznidazole and nifurtimox. Antiparasitic treatment is recommended in acute or congenital infection, in children with chronic infection, and in immunosuppressed patients. Among adults 19 to 50 years of age, antiparasitic therapy should generally be offered to women of childbearing age and to adults with the indeterminate form of the disease or mild-to-moderate cardiomyopathy. Treatment is considered optional in patients over 50 years of age and is generally not offered to patients who have severe cardiomyopathy or megaesophagus with swallowing difficulty.

Q: シャーガス病はどのように治療するか?
A: 現在,トリパノソーマに対する治療薬はベンズニダゾールとニフルチモックスの2つしか存在しない.寄生虫症に対する治療は,急性感染症および先天感染症および小児の慢性感染症と免疫能抑制患者において推奨される.19~50歳の成人では,寄生虫症に対する治療は一般的には,出産可能年齢の女性・病気一定しない成人・は軽症~中等症の心筋症を有する成人に推奨されるべきである.治療は50歳以上の患者に選択肢の1つとして考慮され,重症心筋症と嚥下障害のある巨大食道症の患者には一般的には勧められない.

タコツボ心筋症とか,シャーガス病とか,Not Common Diseaseばかり話題に出てますなぁ.