Nosocomial Bacterial Meningitis 院内細菌性髄膜炎
Nosocomial bacterial meningitis is most often related to either complicated head trauma or invasive procedures, such as craniotomy, placement of ventricular catheters, intrathecal infusion of medications, or spinal anesthesia. In addition, metastatic infection from hospital-acquired bacteremia occasionally leads to meningitis.
What techniques can minimize the risk of postoperative meningitis?
Suggested neurosurgical techniques to minimize the risk of postoperative meningitis include the following: remove devitalized and grossly contaminated tissue; clip, but do not shave, hair; irrigate the operative field with warmed physiologic solution; and avoid putting pressure on the wound in the postoperative period.
What is the recommended diagnostic workup of
patients suspected to have nosocomial meningitis?
The diagnostic workup consists of neuroimaging, cerebrospinal fluid analysis (cell counts, Gram's staining, biochemical tests for glucose and protein, and cultures), and cultures of blood. Neuroimaging is indicated in most patients with suspected nosocomial bacterial meningitis, since it includes an evaluation of ventricular size and provides information on whether there is a malfunction of a shunt or whether potentially contaminated catheters retained from previous surgical procedures are present. In patients with internal or external ventricular catheters cerebrospinal fluid can be obtained through the catheter; otherwise, a lumbar puncture is necessary.
Morning Report Questions
Q: What tests can be used to diagnose nosocomial meningitis among patients who have undergone neurosurgery?
A: Gram's staining has a high specificity but a low sensitivity. Cell counts in cerebrospinal fluid may be helpful but have low sensitivity and specificity in clinical subgroups of patients. In patients who had undergone neurosurgery, a lactate concentration of 4 mmol per liter or more in the cerebrospinal fluid was shown to have a sensitivity of 88%, a specificity of 98%, a positive predictive value of 96%, and a negative predictive value of 94% for the diagnosis of bacterial meningitis. Concentrations of C-reactive protein in serum or cerebrospinal fluid, and serum concentrations of procalcitonin have unclear usefulness in determining the diagnosis of meningitis.
Q: 脳外科手術を行った患者において,どの検査が髄膜炎菌を診断するのに使用できるか?
A: グラム染色が高い特異性を有するが,感度は低い.脳脊髄液の細胞数は診断の助けになるが,患者の臨床サブグループで感度も特異度も低い.脳神経外科手術を受けた患者において,脳脊髄液内ラクトース濃度が4mmol/L以上であれば.髄膜炎菌の診断では感度88%・特異度98%・陽性的中率96%・陰性的中率94%である.血清CRP濃度と脳脊髄液中のCRP濃度と血清濃度プロカルシトニン濃度は,髄膜炎の診断を決定するにあたり,有用であるかどうかはっきりしていない.
Q: What is the recommended empirical antimicrobial therapy for nosocomial meningitis?
A: A clinical suspicion of nosocomial bacterial meningitis should prompt a diagnostic workup and antimicrobial therapy. The therapy for patients in whom meningitis develops after neurosurgery or for patients who are hospitalized for a prolonged period after penetrating head trauma or basilar skull fracture should include vancomycin in combination with cefepime, ceftazidime, or meropenem.
Q: 髄膜炎菌に対する推奨される経験上の抗菌剤治療は何か?
A: 髄膜炎菌の臨床症状による疑いは,迅速な鑑別診断のための精密検査と抗菌薬療法を必要とする.髄膜炎患者の治療は,脳外科手術後に発生する髄膜炎患者と貫通性の頭部外傷後や頭蓋底骨折により入院期間が延長している患者における治療は,バンコマイシンとセフェピム・セフタジジム・メロペネムのカクテル療法が良いとされる.