舞台英語の基礎知識。Theatrical Logic | エンタメ通訳が教えるクリエイティブな業種の英語:English Gateway

エンタメ通訳が教えるクリエイティブな業種の英語:English Gateway



英語アウトプット パーソナル・トレーナーの宮本菜穂子です。




作者不明として舞台英語を題材にした下のポエムですが、どうやら、カリフォルニア州Cypress CollegeでTheater and Danceを教えているSteve Banneck氏が舞台を学ぶ生徒に向けて作った詩なんだそうです。







In is down, down is front

in: flying term for down.

down: downstage is the audience side (front)of the stage

Out is up, up is back

out: flying term for up.

up: upstage is the wall side (back) of the stage


Off is out, on is in

(going) off stage: not on stage

(going) on stage: inside the performing area

And of course Right is left and left is right

Stage left=house right, stage right= house left

A drop shouldn't And a

A drop curtain.

block and fall does neither.

block: to block a play, performer, scene, stage,etc.

fall: the curtain falls (closes).

A prop doesn't And a cove has no water.

prop: Any of theatric other than costumes and scenery used by an actor or performer during a performance on stage or in a film.

cove: the lighting positions in the theater located on the walls on either side of an auditorium.

Tripping is OK.

tripping: a. A device, such as a pawl, for triggering a mechanism.

            b. The action of such a device.

A running crew rarely gets anywhere.

running crew: runcrew or stagecrew, is a collective term used in theatre to describe the members of the technical crew who supervise and operate ("run") the various technical aspects of the production during a performance.

A purchase line will buy you nothing.

purchase line: An operating line (a.k.a. hand line or purchase line) allows riggers on the fly crew to raise and lower the batten. 

A trap will not catch anything.

trap: a concealed opening, usually in the stage floor, through which actors, props, and scenery can be brought on and off stage.

And a gridiron has nothing to do with football.

gridiron (ˈgrɪdˌaɪ ərn) noun

        1) a football field.

        2) a utensil consisting of parallel metal bars on which to broil meat or other food.

          3) a structure above the stage of a theater, from which scenery and the like are manipulated.

A strike is work (in fact, a lot of work.)


1) To disassemble a stage set ("strike the set") (e.g. "How many crew do you need for the strike?") In amateur theatre, the strike at the end of a run of shows is sometimes followed by a strike party.

2) To remove props from the stage. ("Strike the armchair after scene 1", "Make sure the mushroom prop is struck after the forest scene" etc.)

3) The act of turning on a discharge lamp (e.g. "Make sure you strike the followspot at the half")

And a green room, thank God, usually isn't.

green room:In show business, the green room is the space in a theatre or similar venue that functions as a waiting room and lounge for performers before and after a performance, and during the show when they are not engaged on stage. The origin of the term is often ascribed to such rooms historically being painted green. The modern "green room" is usually not green at all.

Now that you're fully versed in theatrical terms…

"Break a Leg". But not really.

Break a Leg: It's Bad Luck to Say Good Luck on Opening Night (The Producers)

Author Unknown



【Theatrical Intelligence】http://theatricalintelligence.com/theatrical-logic/comment-page-1/

【Theatre Crafts】http://www.theatrecrafts.com/pages/home/topics/stage-management/glossary/

【The Free Dictionary】 https://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/

【Fly system】 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fly_system


"Right is left and left is right"…もともと右左が苦手だった私は、上下入れて通訳してると脳みそ大混乱。その話はまた後日。




