The role of financial planners(FPの役割) | ブログde「えいごのみー」



Do you know the jobs of financial advisers?


I'd been working as a financial planner for almost 6 and half years. Financial planners who can adivise on their clients'  problems about *household economy, long-term life planning, life insurance, financial products, taxes, *pensions and *mortgages. We will also give them consultation for all financial fields.

In the coutries with a developed FP sector, such as the US, "financial advisers" are familiar to the people as well as "lawyers who can advise you any time" and "family doctors for medical advice".

I hope that many finacial planners in Japan will be able to support their clients in English as the official international language. And I also hope that "Global FP service" will become one of the financial services for foreign clients who live in Japan.

*household economy 家計

*pension 年金

*mortgages 住宅ローン、抵当



I'm going to retire from Uchiyama FP Office at the end of this month. Thank you very much for reading my blog "blog-de Eigonomy" for long time. I'll be happy if you continue to read this blog after my quitting.






長年にわたり、ブログde「えいごのみー」をご愛読いただきありがとうございました。 担当しておりましたミヤハラは、8月末をもって内山FP総合事務所を退職させていただくことになりました。 また新しいフィールドでファイナンシャル・プランナーとしての経験を活かしていけたらと思っております。 このブログde「えいごのみー」は閉鎖いたしませんので、引き続きご愛読いただけると幸いです。

Harumi Miyahara