Save energy | 和のブログ


English Cafe 和 のスタッフブログです。

Good evening readers!
It was a pretty long day for me, and even though I had a good day, I feel exhausted. How was your Saturday?
We spent a little bit of time talking about the weather today. I like this time of the year because it's the perfect temperature: I don't need to heat or cool my apartment and I can just leave the window open to be comfortable. That means, I can save some money on my electricity bill. In the middle of the summer it was so hot, so I used my air conditioner all the time. I'm sure this month's bill will be much lower.
In any case, temperatures seem to take a nose dive in November. I like to avoid using the heater for as long as possible, so I will just wear heavy sweatshirts and jackets until it gets too cold. It was interesting to hear from our guests about how they like to save money and energy. One of our guests said it's much more cost-effective to use a fan heater or even a kotatsu rather than using your normal heater. What kinds of interesting ways do you know to save energy in your home?
Here are some of the words and phrases that came up today. Try and use them sometime!
take a nose dive:  This describes a sharp, decreasing rate. Something is decreasing so quickly, it's like an airplane falling from the sky, nose-first (the front of an airplane is often called the "nose"). 
banter:  Banter is very similar to small talk. It's lighthearted  conversation that is mainly for preventing an uncomfortable silence. At a concert, there is often some banter between band members when they finish one song and prepare for their next song.
to lollygag:  Usually lollygagging is usually something kids do, but adults do it sometimes too! It means to waste time playing around or doing something meaningless, usually because there is something else you should be doing and you are trying to avoid it. For example, students at the junior high school I work at were told to go to the gym, but it took a long time because many of them were lollygagging in the hallways and outside.