不思議の国のグプタ 単語リストについていつもの様に例文を集めてみた

achievement p.12
something important that you succeed in doing by your own efforts
:We try to celebrate the achievements of our students.(L)
:His great achievement is to make all the players into a united team.(L)
:somebody's achievement in (doing) something(L)
:The test measures children's achievements in reading, spelling and maths.(L)
:the greatest scientific achievement of the decade(O)
:It was a remarkable achievement for such a young player.(O)
:They were proud of their children's achievements.(O)
:Look at your achievements and your value in monetary terms.(C)

when you achieve something or when people achieve something
;Roberts is researching the effect of social class on educational achievement.(L)
:As we climbed the final few metres, we felt a sense of achievement.(L)
:the need to raise standards of achievement in education(O)
:Even a small success gives you a sense of achievement (= a feeling of pride).(O)
:The company's name is synonymous with outstanding achievement.(C)

acquisition p.13

advertising department p.77
the division of a business that is responsible for advertising
:Originally, Mr. Koike was in the advertising department of Unite Films, and later he changed to being a freelance writer.(英)
:start working in the Advertising Department of ABC(英)
:He worked for 15 years in The Seattle Times' advertising department, followed by five years at Seattle magazine. (Seattle Times)

air conditioner p.105
a machine that makes the air in a room or building cooler and drier
:domestic air conditioner controlled via the Internet and cell-phones(英)
:The air conditioner functions better since we cleaned it.(英)
:The air conditioner isn't working. Can you send someone to fix it?(英)
:The air conditioner makes atoms with a negative electrical charge.(英)

alternate p.104
used to replace another thing of the same type [= alternative]
:the appointment of an alternate director(L)
:A good alternate route can take you to Kuromi-dake (1,831 meters) or continue on to Miyanoura-dake, which commands a spectacular view of the island and ocean.(英)
:We suggest West 3rd Street as an alternate route.(英)
:devise alternate routes in case of problems(英)

apology p.39
【noun[uncountable and countable]】
something that you say or write to show that you are sorry for doing something wrong
:My apologies. (英)
:I'm afraid I owe you an apology. (英)
:I don't want an apology. I just want to know what's going on. (英)
:receive an apology(L)
:owe somebody an apology(L)
:demand an apology(L)
:accept an apology(L)
:make an apology (for something)(L)
:issue an apology (=make an official apology - used about governments, companies etc)(L)
:I make no apology (for something) (=used when saying you are not sorry about something)(L)
:letter of apology(L)
:written apology(L)
:formal apology(L)
:public apology(L)
:by way of apology (=in order to show you are sorry)(L)
:She finally received an apology from the company.(L)
:I feel I owe you an apology.(L)
:He wrote to the editor of the newspaper demanding an immediate apology.(L)
:Please accept my sincere apologies for my behaviour yesterday.(L)
:She had to make a formal public apology for her remarks.(L)
:I make no apology for repeating the question.(L)
:Those affected have been sent letters of apology.(L)
:'He always does this,' said Isabelle, by way of apology.(L)

appliance p.102
a piece of equipment, especially electrical equipment, such as a cooker or washing machine, used in people's homes
:domestic/household etc appliance (L)
:There's plenty of space for all the usual kitchen appliances.(L)
:electrical/gas appliance(L)
:electric/domestic/household appliances(C)
:electrical/household appliances(O)
:They sell a wide range of domestic appliances?washing machines, dishwashers and so on.(O)
:modern heating appliances of all types(O)

applicant p.103
someone who has formally asked, usually in writing, for a job, university place etc
:He was one of 30 applicants for the manager's job.(L)
:successful/unsuccessful applicant (=someone who is accepted or not accepted for a job etc)(L)
:Successful applicants will be expected to travel extensively.(L)
:The law says companies cannot refuse to hire an applicant with HIV or AIDS. (英)
:There were over 500 applicants for the job.(O)
:Successful applicants will receive notification within the week.(O)
:How many applicants did you have for the job?(C)

application deadline p.135
a date or time by which you have to submit applications
:Application deadline is August 28.(英)
:The application deadline is Friday August 24, 2007.(英)
:The application deadline is Jan. 31.(英)
:There was still plenty of time to the end of July application deadline for fall entrees in October.(英)

apply p.86
to make a formal request, usually written, for something such as a job, a place in a university, or permission to do something
:I encouraged him to apply for this job.(英)
:What do I need to do to apply for a Visa credit card? (英)
:She applied for a job with the local newspaper.(L)
:We need to apply for planning permission to build a garage.(L)
:apply for something (O)
:to apply for a job/passport/grant(O)
:I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them.(L)
:apply to somebody/something (for something) (O)
:to apply to a company/university(O)
:apply to do something (O)
:He has applied to join the army.(O)
:You should apply in person/by letter.(O)

appointment p.19, p.28
an arrangement for a meeting at an agreed time and place, for a particular purpose
:I'm sorry, I have another appointment. (英)
:I have a 10:00 appointment.(英)
:have an appointment(L)
:make an appointment(L)
:an appointment to do something(L)
:book an appointment British English schedule an appointment American English (=make an appointment)(L)
:cancel an appointment(L)
:miss an appointment(L)
:keep an appointment (=go to an appointment you have arranged)(L)
:doctor's/dentist's/dental appointment(L)
:by appointment (only) (=only if you make an appointment in advance)(L)
:appointment with(L)
:She has an appointment with a client at 10.30.(L)
:You should phone his secretary if you want to make an appointment.(L)
:I have an appointment to see the doctor.(L)
:Please give us plenty of notice if you have to cancel an appointment.(L)
:For the third time in a row, she had failed to keep her appointment .(L)
:I was already forty-five minutes late for a dental appointment.(L)
:All consultations are by appointment only.(L)

area p.21
a particular part of a country, town etc
:Only cheeses made in this area may be labelled 'Roquefort.'(L)
:There were over 2 inches of rain in coastal areas.(L)
:a working-class area of Birmingham(L)
:Many areas of Africa have suffered severe drought this year.(L)
:a rural area (=countryside) of woodlands and fields(L)
:Crime rates are significantly higher in urban areas (=towns, cities etc).(L)
:The police have searched the farm and the surrounding area (=the area around it).(L)
:children from the local area(L)
:a residential area of the town(L)
:mountainous/desert areas(O)
:rural/urban/inner-city areas(O)
:There is heavy traffic in the downtown area tonight.(O)
:She knows the local area very well.(O)
:John is the London area manager.(O)
:Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a wide area.(O)
:The farm and surrounding area were flooded.(O)

art museum p.104
An art gallery or art museum is a building or space for the exhibition of art, usually visual art. Museums can be public or private, but what distinguishes a museum is the ownership of a collection.
:An art museum or a historic site will be a good place to go for a date.(英)
:Japan's largest art museum has permanent display of masterpieces reproduced on ceramic board.(英)
:The Shimane Art Museum received 550,000 visitors in its first year in 1999.(英)
:It also has the oldest public art museum in the country.(英)
:For details, visit the Mercian Art Museum website.(英)

attend p.34
出席する、参加する、参列する◆【用法】attend at
to go to an event such as a meeting or a class
:It would be such an honor if you would attend.(英)
:Only the CEO or Managing Director may attend.(英)
:Please let us know if you are unable to attend.(L)
:We'd like as many people as possible to attend.(O)
:The meeting is on the fifth and we're hoping everyone will attend.(C)

to go to an event such as a meeting or a class
:Only 12 people attended the meeting.(L)
:attend something (O)
:The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders.(O)
:to attend a wedding/funeral(O)
:Over two hundred people attended the funeral.(C)

Attention, passengers p.172, p.177
:Attention, passengers on ABC Airlines Flight 123 to New York. Due to an electrical problem, the flight is delayed.(英)
:Attention, passengers on ABC Flight number 123 to Chicago.(英)

available p.105
something that is available is able to be used or can easily be bought or found
:At this moment, there are no taxies available at the station. (英)
:Tickets are available from the box office.(L)
:available to(L)
:Not enough data is available to scientists.(L)
:available to do something(L)
:Funds are available to assist teachers who want to attend the conference.(L)
:available for(L)
:No figures are available for the number of goods sold.(L)
:available in(L)
:There are plenty of jobs available in the area.(L)
:readily/widely available (=very easy to obtain)(L)
:Parking is readily available near the station entrance.(L)
:Meetings were held to update employees as soon as new information became available.(L)
:Further building can continue when money is made available.(L)
:Every available space on the wall was covered in pictures.(L)

awards ceremony p.12
ceremony at which an award is presented to the winner
:The awards ceremony will be held in Oslo, Norway's capital, on Dec. 10.(英)
:The awards ceremony is held annually on December 10th, the anniversary of Nobel's death.(英)
:At the awards ceremony, Aikawa said his policy on child raising was to deal with his children openly and honestly.(英)
:He said at the awards ceremony, "I'll be wild for the rest of my life."(英)

awareness p.31, p.33
【noun [uncountable]】
knowledge or understanding of a particular subject or situation
:environmental/political/social awareness(L)
:Health officials have tried to raise awareness (=improve people's knowledge) about AIDS.(L)

the ability to notice something using your senses
:awareness of(L)
:an artist's awareness of light and color(L)

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