
と言う事は今はどうでもよくてさっきまで料理してたんですがやばかった*o_ _)oバタッ



FINANCE something that is bought by a company, such as another company, a building, or a piece of land
:complete/make an acquisition(C)
:Management intend to use the cash to make acquisitions.(C)
:finance/fund an acquisition (C)
:The company will fund the acquisition from its existing cash resources.(C)
:big/large/major acquisitions (C)
:If the company doesn't make any big acquisitions this year, it will hand back cash to shareholders.(C)
:a potential/proposed/recent acquisition(C)
:Investment banks were changing rapidly into financial supermarkets whose business increasingly revolved around mergers and acquisitions.(C)
:They have made acquisitions in several EU countries.(O)
:the acquisition of shares by employees(O)
:The group has announced its first overseas acquisition: a successful software company.(O)
:The Art Society is holding an exhibition of recent acquisitions.(L)

●Japan Times:JAN 14, 2013
Sign of the Financial Times: Will it sell independence?
However much proprietors promise continuing editorial integrity and independence of the new acquisition, the money they paid tells the lie.

●BBC:15 January 2013
Batelco's Channel Islands buyout may face extra conditions
The acquisition was approved by Batelco shareholders at the company's Bahrain headquarters earlier.

FINANCE the act of buying something such as a company, a building, or a piece of land
:There were many additional costs related to the company's acquisition of Walker Software.(C)
:land acquisition(C)
:A spokesman confirmed that the company was in acquisition talks.(C)

●Japan Times:DEC 2, 2012
Japan’s whistle-blower supreme speaks out
What surprised me was that you write those sorts of letters and you include a report from one of the big-four accounting firms totally condemning the $700 million in acquisition fees paid when Olympus bought three companies with no turnover for $1 billion — and any other board in the world, especially the outside directors, would say: “We have to do what Mr. Woodford’s suggesting; we have to investigate this.”

●BBC:14 September 2011
Land bill: A new deal for farmers?
Most agree that India needs a fairer land acquisition law.
Industry groups are already saying they need government help in acquisition and rehabilitation, clearer definition of public purpose, greater clarity of what constitutes industrialisation where benefits accrue to people.