Good evening.

How was your week, and I wish a good weekend as it will soon start the Bon holidays. 

お盆がもうすぐですね。 良い週末を過ごされますように。




少し前に書いた英和コラムですが、I hope that would be useful.




When I usually go, whether on a short trip or the longer one, I love strolling a city or town.  

And perhaps I do simply like to walk, and like smelling and feeling the atmosphere that place especially owns.






This kind of experience always presents me the "out-of-the-ordinary" sphere, that I am so excited and get curious about almost everything I see or drop by.





And this so-called tendency remainds me quite of my father's - when he goes travel he just cannot spend at accommodations but tends instantly to go out and walk around the city.

Maybe by age I am becoming similar to him, but anyways, aging can be some kinds of returning yourself to a child again.







So some times at year, having totally different time or refreshment may give anyone an opportunity to look life perspectively, at the same time to thank, and it could surely give you another power to keep going on. 

