
It's a beautiful day, and how is your weekend?



The lessons have started just yesterday, and I am looking forward, this year furthermore, to seeing the student make steady progress on English learning.

お正月休みを終え、昨日からレッスンが始まりました。 今年もお一人一人の生徒さんが英語をさらに、着実に上達されるのを見届けてゆきたいと思います。



From Beginner's course to Advanced course every student has one's dream and objectives in learning & exploring the language, and I am really willing to be a part of making it come true.



The English environment is something that I consider as very important for one to improve the language, however not merely it but also the learner actually is required to be more active rather than being passive.




And in that way, some students have recently begun writing a diary in English or writing out fair the English books, which I thought was a nice idea to keep up the language apart from lessons.  




So if you like writing, writing English sentences would be enjoyable, and for those who like reading I'd recommend to read whatever that interests you.  

In my case I started the 2018 watching an English comedy film and laughing, then why not try just a small thing (but in the end makes a big difference) fun for you?



