June 20, 2021 - Sunday, is when the State of Emergency will end.


I heard today though that even if it's lifted, there will still be a liquor-ban policy in place.


The points they want to implement are:

-Maximum people to hang out together is 2.

-Maximum of 90 minutes,

-Last order will have to made before 7pm.


So many people think that there will be not much of a difference whether there is a State of Emergency or not.


What's good for me though is that Gerad can now come to Tokyo and go to indoor restaurants, as long as it's not in Shinjuku, Chuo-ku, and Minato-Ku. The latter 3 are still Red zones for them.


Anyway, all these changes are good, somehow. It shows that we are slowly and gradually recovering; and that's a great deal! クラッカーThrob

