I made Palabok last night.

It is a Filipino (rice)noodle dish that is normally topped with shrimp gravy, shrimp, pork cracklings, scallions and eggs.

But since I try to stay away from eating any animal products, I made my own version of it and it was good! IMO (In my opinion) 

I boiled about 190g of ricenoodles and then made the sauce ingredients:

2 tbsp cooking oil
1 tbsp anatto powder
3 cups water
6 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1/2 tsp ground black pepper

1 cup fried tofu sliced into bits

1/2 cup brocolli sliced into bits

2 asparagus stalks sliced into chunks


And for the topping, these are the ingredients I gathered:
1/4 cup green onion or scallions finely chopped
3 tbsp fried garlic
2 pieces lime slices


I cooked the noodles first.

Then I mixed the sauce ingredients and cooked it till it boiled.

Simmered the fire and then added the veggie ingredients.

I cooked it for 3minutes and then mixed it all with the noodles.


Then I served with the toppings. 
