英語 -287ページ目


1 数量の示し方 


個数 a piece of paper/chalk/cheese/wood, a slice/loaf of bread, a cake of soap, a grain of rice, a speck of



容器 a cup of tea/coffee, a glass of water/mikl, a spoonful of sugar

量目 a pint of mikl, a pound of butter, two kilo(gram)s of beef

Put a pinch of salt in the stew before you turn off the gas.


the public, the police

2 the public と the police


The general public is/are not interested in this issue in the election campaign.


The police are appealing to the public for any information about the murder victim.




1 audience など cabinet, class, committee, crew crowd, government, jury, panel, staff, team

a) There was a large audience in the theater. (劇場は大入りだった)

b) The audience were growing restless. (聴衆はそわそわし始めた)