winter day in the country.... | 週刊ELMO~Love Letter from CANADA~

週刊ELMO~Love Letter from CANADA~


Last weekend we spent three days in the forest cabin in Nagano. I loved every single minute of it. I took this photo from my bedroom. The cabin is surrounded by trees and there is a lake, well frozen lake just couple of minutes away.

Sometimes our life resembles a tree in winter. Who would think those branches would turn green again and blossom. But we hope they will. We know they will.


Morning walk in the forest. Temperature -14. I like these cold,grey winter days. Winter offers you a privacy that no other season can. Only in the winter, in the countryside, can you enjoy belonging to yourself.


Winter is the time for comfort, for warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire.

It is time for home.


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