~ Siebold and Taki's color bond ~ | 日本文化、世界の歴史・健康・ミライにチャレンジ

~ Siebold and Taki's color bond ~


Hello, and good evening! It was indeed a hot day today.

Since the weather was nice, I took care of my garden. To ensure that my hydrangeas don't cause any inconvenience to my neighbors, I made use of a chainsaw (with the help of my son) and managed to prepare them for the rainy season.

In addition to the incredible growth potential of hydrangeas, their delicate colors captivate the hearts of many people. It reminded me of the story of Philipp Franz von Siebold and O-Taki Kusumoto.

Long ago, during a time when Japanese and Dutch cultures intersected, two hearts became intertwined. Philipp Franz von Siebold, a physician and naturalist who visited Japan, was fascinated by the beautiful nature he encountered, particularly the colors of hydrangea flowers. The vibrant blue and purple hues of the hydrangeas, rare in Europe at the time, captivated his interest. He brought back many hydrangea plants and conducted research and cultivation in Europe, thus establishing hydrangeas as beautiful flowers in European gardens to this day.

Furthermore, Siebold had a fateful encounter with a Japanese woman named O-Taki. She worked as his assistant and taught him about Japanese culture and customs. With her knowledge and brightness, she enveloped Siebold and deepened his love for Japan. Their hearts changed and intertwined like the colors of hydrangea flowers, giving birth to a mysterious bond.

However, that bond was torn apart by the chains of destiny. On the day of their parting, O-Taki presented Siebold with a gift: strands of her hair and a tobacco case adorned with a translucent, pale blue seashell engraved with her name and a small picture of her daughter, Ine. It was a gift that conveyed her heart and feelings.

Years passed, and 30 years later, Siebold returned to Japan once again. Due to political changes, his exile was lifted, and the opportunity for a reunion presented itself. He was 63 years old, and O-Taki was 53. In that moment of reunion, they exchanged memories of the past. Every time they touched the strands of hair, the tobacco case, or the letters, their hearts were once again filled with longing and nostalgia. Even today, these items are cherished and preserved in both countries, serving as testaments to their love and friendship.

The changing colors of hydrangeas are diverse and beautiful. The flower color of hydrangeas also varies depending on the acidity of the soil. In acidic soil, the flowers turn blue, while in neutral to alkaline soil, the colors change to pink or red. This is because the pH value of the soil affects the flower color. Additionally, environmental factors also influence the flower color of hydrangeas. Particularly, the amount and quality of light are key factors in determining the color. Hydrangeas that receive bright sunlight display vibrant colors, while those grown in the shade tend to have lighter hues.

Just like the colors that represented the hearts of Siebold and O-Taki, the colors of hydrangea flowers adorned their lives. 



