What is "aggressive nutritional management"? | リハビリ茶屋



Normally, “support of Food” means to aid eating and the development of easy swallowing foods. However, I think also require nutrition support and measures to correct the process leading to the remaining disease sequelae.

In the first place, the medical professionals have been looked down on the work of elderly care because professionals are clever and they have "ego" that want to be seen so generally. Therefore, No deeply participated in the situation of the elderly medical and care of Japan, opportunities for health professionals to touch clients's feelings and values​​, the handicaps perspective was small.

So, the day after reached the idea of specialized medical care and rehabilitation in the area of the elderly care is shallow, and the number of medical professionals to challenge it still less.

From the fact that is said that Japanese corpses are less likely to decay then anywhere else in the world. Move away from additive addiction and processed food dependency, then need to transform the common sense and standards (mere myths that are mistaken for common sense) right now.

It may be difficult in Japan because there are many many "standard believer", but we can change a little bit better the "food situation" or "food atmosphere" in Japan, to polish the values ​​of food and nutrition "sense" of consumer, even we struggle but.
I think it's the way that raise the performance of nutrition strategy as a therapy not only disease "prevention".

I think It begin to be called into question what is "aggressive nutritional management" of true, then it is necessary to improve morality, sensibility and the personality of specialists to use it.

We can NOT fight to handicaps with only knowledge.

I want to continue to challenge in active nutritional control. My thema is " What should be eaten to enhance Motor Control?"
