









Brain Quest Workbookはサッとできる簡単な課題が多かったのですが、



Spectrum Writingでは何度も書き直しさせて完成させる課題などが多かったです。





例えばSpectrum Writing, Grade 2のワークの中に「物語の続きを考えてみよう」という課題があったのですが、



娘は「The Incredibles」の映画の続きと「The Princess and the pea」というアンデルセンの童話の続きを書いていました。




「The Incredibles」
Once upon a time there was a hero family named Mr.Incredible. They were heroes but there was one problem. That's when Jack-Jack Parr goes to kindergarten. There's trouble because when he is mad, he is fire so he burns his seat. And when he is sad and crying, he turns into water himself! Jack-Jack's teacher said " The principal is coming to our class next week. So please practice not to make trouble."
Jack-Jack practices to stop making trouble with Violet and Dash. When Jack-Jack smiles he can turn into himself. They discovered that Jack-Jack could smile if someone said "Jack-Jack smile." Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl (Jack-Jack's parents) made a magic pendant that has them saying "Jack-Jack smile!!" in it. They decided that he would have to put it on before kindergarten.
It's the day the principal is coming. After Jack-Jack went to kindergarten, his family found out that he forgot his pendant! Luckily, Dash and Violet were home so they decided to deliver his pendant to him. Violet made a barrier and Violet and Dash were inside it. Dash rolled the barrier to Jack-Jack's kindergarten and Violet became invisible and went into the kindergarten and put the pendant onto Jack-Jack's neck.
In the end, Violet and Dash got ice cream for saving Jack-Jack from trouble and Jack-Jack got a BIG hug from the teacher and his parents for not making trouble!!!

「The Princess and the Pea」
Once upon a time there was a prince and a real princess. The princess had a magical pea. The pea was sparkly emerald green so it looked very yummy. Lots of people came to see the pea every day.
One night, when a guard went to see the pea, the pea was stolen. The guards looked everywhere but couldn't find the pea. Suddenly the guards heard someone crying. It was the thief. The thief said he was very very hungry so he ate the pea. The thief said that the pea tasted sweet and salty and spicy and lots of other things. The pea was yummy but the thief didn't get a bit full. Instead he became more unhappy. He became so unhappy he went to apologize to the princess.
At last, the princess said "You told us the truth so it proves that you are good so I must give you another pea. Now you could be full and happy!"
・・・And they were!!!


また、同じくSpectrum Writing, Grade 2のワークの中の「工作の作り方を書いてみよう」という課題では、折り紙で作るハートの折り方について書きました。



①Fold in half.
②Fold in half and unfold.
③Bring the left and right corners to the middle.
④Flip the paper.
⑤Fold the 1st paper.
⑥Bring the left and right corners down.
⑦Valley fold the corners.
⑧Flip the paper.
<Point>It will be good if you put tape on here.












