




さて、そんな話はさておき、私がどんな風に英検1級のWriging対策にChat GPTを使ったか具体的に紹介します。英検1級の出題形式を参考にこんな例題を考えてみました。



例題: Is celeblity bashing jusified? (Structure rule:Intoroduction→Main body 1→Main body 2→Main body 3→Conclusion)


英検1級の問題は時事ネタや現代社会の問題点をテーマにすることが多いので、今話題のネタを抽象化して自分なりに予想問題を考えてみるのも案外馬鹿にならないでしょう。著作権の問題があるので、参考書の問題をそのままブログに載せるのは控えますが、実際に皆さんが取り組むときは、参考書の例題で良いかと思います。(ちなみに私はJapan Times社の英作文問題完全制覇の実践問題30に取り組みました。)












まず、反対意見と賛成意見どちらも列挙します(日本語で可)。慣れないうちはすごく難しかったですが、Japan Times社の英作文問題完全制覇の実践問題30を一通り解いた後ぐらいから、段々理由が思い浮かぶようになりました。全然理由が思いつかない方は難しくてもとりあえず参考書を1周はしてみるのをおススメします。




















Intoroductionに肯定意見no.1を、Main bodyに否定意見no.1-3を採用する方向で決定。




















The question raised above is thought-provoking. Some people claim that it is no wonder celebrity is punished by bashing because they are overpaid and should sacrifice their private life. However, from my perspective, extraordinary bashing to celeblity shooud be avoided. I have three reasons to support my answer.


Firstly, these gossips do not relate to your daily life and waste your time. For example, when you get into gossips and speak ill of celeblity, you lose your valuable time to study or enjoy your hobby. It does not increase your salary, instead, gosship companies make more money.


Secondly, these gossips may not be true. Media tend to prioritize sensationalizing to gain popularity than covering true information and many people easily believe such biased stories as they are. As basing spreads, they are taken out of contexts many times, which may twist the truth and end up causing serious false accusation. 


Lastly, basing is morally quetionabale esepecially for kids. They are immature and and volunable to extreme information and bad behavior by adults. They should not be exposed to bad words on social media before they become sensible to judge the difference beteween real and online world.


In a nutshell, bashing should be prevented, because it is waste of time for ordinary people, has a potential to cause a false accusation, and influences on chileren's mental development.






main body の書き方は特に決まっておらず、初めの1文は書けるのですが、2文目以降がなかなか思いつかず、いつも苦戦します。「具体的には?」「なぜ?」ととにかく自問して、捻り出して書く感じでした。要するに結構テキトーでした。例えば、

main body 1では、ゴシップは時間の無駄→時間の無駄って具体的に何を?→自分の資格の勉強とか遊ぶ時間とか

main body2では、ゴシップの信憑性→なぜゴシップには信頼性がないの?→メディアが視聴率を優先してちゃんと報道しないから。大衆がろくに吟味せずに鵜呑みにするから。



Chat GPTに自分の答案の間違いを指摘してもらう



Could you tell me grammatical errors and awkward phrasing in this sentence?


 Chat GPT answer


Certainly! Here are the grammatical errors and awkward phrasings in your text:

  1. "celebrity is punished by bashing" - Awkward phrasing. Suggested revision: "celebrities are subjected to bashing."
  2. "extraordinary bashing to celeblity shooud be avoided" - Typographical errors ("celebrity" and "shooud"). Suggested revision: "extraordinary bashing of celebrities should be avoided."
  3. "these gossips" - Incorrect plural form. "Gossip" is typically uncountable. Suggested revision: "this gossip" or "these gossip stories."
  4. "you get into gossips" - Awkward phrasing. Suggested revision: "you engage in gossip" or "you participate in gossiping."
  5. "speak ill of celeblity" - Typographical error ("celebrity"). Suggested revision: "speak ill of celebrities."
  6. "instead, gosship companies make more money." - Typographical error ("gossip" and "gosship"). Suggested revision: "instead, gossip media companies make more money."
  7. "Media tend to prioritize sensationalizing to gain popularity than covering true information" - Awkward phrasing. Suggested revision: "Media tend to prioritize sensationalism over covering true information."
  8. "As basing spreads" - Unclear phrasing. It seems "basing" should be "bashing." Suggested revision: "As bashing spreads."
  9. "serious false accusation" - Awkward phrasing. Suggested revision: "serious false accusations."
  10. "basing is morally quetionabale esepecially for kids" - Typographical errors ("questionable" and "especially"). Suggested revision: "bashing is morally questionable, especially for kids."
  11. "volunable to extreme information and bad behavior" - Typographical error ("vulnerable"). Suggested revision: "vulnerable to extreme information and bad behavior."
  12. "to bad words on social media" - Awkward phrasing. Suggested revision: "to derogatory language on social media."
  13. "become sensible to judge the difference beteween real and online world" - Awkward phrasing. Suggested revision: "become capable of discerning between the real and online worlds."                                      Overall, these revisions aim to improve clarity and correct grammatical errors in your text.

⑤Chat GPTに自分の答案をコピペして、模範解答を学ぶ

以下のようにChat GPTに入力して添削してもらうと良いでしょう。答案が洗練されすぎてて自分のレベルを超えすぎている場合は、例えば、CEFR C1 levelに調整すると良いでしょう(英検1級はCEFR C1相当なので)。なんならB2レベルでも十分だと思います!添削してもらったら、自分の知らない表現をチェック!(私が知らなかった表現を緑のマーカーで示しました。)


Does this sentence natural in CEFR C1 level? If not, could you revise it ?



Chat GPT 添削


The sentence you provided is somewhat understandable, but it contains several grammatical errors and awkward phrasing that make it less natural for the C1 level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Here's a revised version for clarity and naturalness:



"The question raised above is indeed thought-provoking. Some argue that celebrities, due to their high pay, should expect public scrutiny and intrusion into their private lives. However, from my perspective, excessive celebrity bashing should be avoided. I have three reasons to support my stance.


Firstly, such gossip does not pertain to our daily lives and merely squanders our time. For instance, when we engage in gossip and speak ill of celebrities, we waste valuable time that could be spent studying or enjoying hobbies. Furthermore, it does not contribute to our income; instead, it only serves to benefit gossip media companies.


Secondly, this gossip may not be accurate. Media outlets often prioritize sensationalism over factual reporting, leading many to believe biased and exaggerated stories. As these stories circulate, they are often taken out of context, distorting the truth and potentially leading to serious false accusations.


Lastly, celebrity bashing is morally questionable, especially for children. They are impressionable and vulnerable to extreme information and negative behavior from adults. They should not be exposed to derogatory language on social media until they can discern between the real and online worlds.


In summary, bashing should be discouraged as it is a waste of time for ordinary people, has the potential to cause false accusations, and negatively influences children's mental development."


This revised version maintains the original meaning while improving clarity and naturalness, making it more suitable for a C1 level of proficiency in English.









What are consenting and dissenting opinion ( with three reasons for each opinion) about below question? "Is celebrity bashing justified?"




Consenting Opinion:

  1. Public Figures Accept Scrutiny: Celebrities knowingly enter the public eye and benefit from their fame, so they should expect criticism and scrutiny as part of their profession.
  2. Holding Celebrities Accountable: Bashing can be a form of holding celebrities accountable for their actions, especially when they have a significant influence on society. It serves as a check on their behavior and ensures they are responsible role models.
  3. Freedom of Speech: Criticizing public figures, including celebrities, falls under the umbrella of freedom of speech. As long as it's not defamatory or based on false information, people have the right to express their opinions and hold public figures accountable.

Dissenting Opinion:

  1. Impact on Mental Health: Constant bashing and negative attention can have severe repercussions on celebrities' mental health. They are still human beings and deserve basic respect and dignity, regardless of their status.
  2. Double Standards: Celebrity bashing often crosses ethical lines and can be disproportionately harsh compared to criticism directed at non-celebrities. This reflects a societal double standard and unfair treatment.
  3. Invasion of Privacy: While celebrities may be public figures, they still have a right to privacy. Excessive bashing can invade their personal lives and infringe upon their privacy rights, leading to emotional distress and harm.

自分の思いつかなかった視点にはっとさせられますね!特にFreedom of Speech(言論の自由)、Impact on Mental Health(メンタルへの悪影響)、Invasion of Privacy(プライバシーの侵害)は応用が効きそうな汎用性の高い表現だと思いました。

⑦ ④〜⑥から、汎用性の高い表現、自分が使えるようになりたいかっこいい表現をピックアップして、Anki(アプリ)で何度も復習
