The Official Trailer A version from the Japanese official website of "The Greatest Showman."

Hugh Jackman's new film, The Greatest Showman, will be released in Japan on February 16. Finally.ドキドキ

The Japanese title of the film is; "グレイテスト・ショーマン," which is equivalent to "greatest showman" in kanji characters. Frankly speaking, Japanese people don't have articles such as "the," "a" and "an," so many have difficulty in using them, actually. So do I.

I've always wanted to see the film, so I'm very happy about it. I'm really looking forward to seeing it.!!

The Official Trailer D ver.

You know what? I've been listening to "The Greatest Show" and "This Is Me" from the film.

I bought and downloaded these two songs on my smartphone just today. I watched all the trailers on the Japanese official website of "The Greatest Showman," which has shorter trailers as well, and they made me feel like listening to the songs in advance.

Of course I'll get its original soundtrack this month CD, after enjoying it at a movie theater, I mean at a cinema. I think I'll get DVD, too.

Well, Hugh Jackman is very famous here in Japan, too, so Japanese people know who Hugh Jackman is. You know, Hugh Jackman is so-called 親日家 (Shinnichi ka), a Japanophile in English.日本 I think he's coming to Japan soon to promote his new movie with a female actor who performs "This Is me" in the film. They say the song won the Golden Globes Award.

You know what? Zac Efron is also famous among people my age ... I guess Zac is as old as me.

Yes, he played a main character in a High School Musical series. Have you ever seen it? It's one of the disney movies, and its music and dances are really good. No wonder. It's a disney film after all. I first watched it on DVD when I was a university student, though the title includes the word "high school." I borrowed it at the time, and I bought it many years later.

Actually, I practiced the theme song "We're All In This Together" watchig the DVD in my room, haha. So I could dance this one, though now I forget how to ... It's said he sang the song and another singer did too, and that their voices were mixed up because Zac's voice had broken. Also, he appeared in another mucical film "Hair spray," and this time he sang by himself and performed dances.

Unfortunately, Zac doesn't seem to be coming to Japan. I sometimes check Hugh Jackman's Facebook, and I found they are close friends. It's good.

Though I haven't been interested in boys or men my age, I like Zac Efron's singing voice and dancing ... Well, Hugh Jackman is as old as my honey is, like I mentioned in a blog post "Peace 'n Heart" last year. I visited Bills restaurant in Ginza, Tokyo. Hugh Jackman visited the restaurant while he stayed in Japan in May last year with his wife. He came to Japan to promote "Rogan" then. It's the last film of X-men series that he played the character, you know.

You know, Hugh Jackman is not only a great actor but a great singer. My darling really likes "Les Miserables," a musical film released in 2012. Hugh Jackman played a main character, you know. My hon still has its soundtrack, I think.CD I like Hugh Jackman's "Les Miserables" too.

Speaking of Hugh Jackman, the other day, I happend to know "Laughing Man Coffee" ...

Did you know that Hugh Jackman owns a cafe in New York, USA? That's exactly "Laughing Man Coffee." コーヒー

According to the official website of "Laughing Man Foundation", Hugh Jackman "DONATES ALL HIS PROFITS TO THE LAUGHING MAN FOUNDATION." It's great, isn't it? He's cool.

Also, I was surprised to know Laughing Man Coffee's co-founder and CEO was once a criminal prosecutor in Brooklyn and then opened Laughing Man Coffee with Hugh.

I hear Hugh Jackman himself taught the staff members how to make Flat White, an espresso beverage popular especially in Australia and New Zealand. Well, one of my dreams is to stop by Laughing Man Coffee in NY someday.アメリカ

By the way, do you know what Flat White is? In Japan, Flat White is not so famous, actually. Bills restaurants in Japan are offering Flat White, and I wanna try Bills' Flat White, too, sometime. Bills was born in Australia, the country that Hugh Jackman was born in, you know. Bills is famous for their ricotta hotcakes. Well, I tried them at Bills' Ginza location last year as well as exactly the same beverage Hugh Jackman had there. They were really good.

Guess What? Tully's Coffee in Japan is adding "Flat White" and "Milky Flat White" as well to their grand menu. コーヒー

These two beverages start on February 7 this year. They are not seasonal beverages, so we can have them anytime at Tully's Coffee in Japan. → Sorry, I made a mistake. These two are seasonal ones, so they will be offered for a limited time. Check them out ASAP.

I got flowers sometimes last month, including these purple ones ... I bought a bouquet, actually.

I got a white flower another day. I failed to back up photos of the flower I took, so I can't add the photos of it. → I found the photos!

It was beautiful. It's a flower called "White Mille-feuille," one of white dahlias. One of the words white dahias have; Gratitude.

I miss Kuro so much, but I thank Kuro very much because he made me smile.

After my cat passed away, I first got "Sweet Peas", whose language of flowers is good bye, depature, tender memory and so on. As I wrote in this blog post, I decided to get flowers for Kuro at least once a month.ブーケ1ブーケ2

I wonder what kinds of flowers I'll get for Kuro this month. And I just can't wait for spring to come, because our garden will be filled with flowers. His grave is in the garden. I hope Kuro will like it.