I went to a bills restaurant in Ginza, Tokyo, Japan the other day! I wanted to visit bills Ginza, and as I mentioned before there was a reason why.
Well, Hugh Jackman came to Japan last month to promote his new film, "Logan", which is one of the X-men film series and is also one of the spin-off movies featuring the character Wolverine. And I've read before this is the last time he plays the role, I mean, Wolverine, or Logan, in the X-men and the Wolverine series.
Hugh Jackman went to the bills restaurant in Ginza, Tokyo, while he stayed in Japan with his wife. Also he went to the Ginza six, which is located in Ginza, too. That's why I wanted to visit these places.

He is my favorite actor. And he is as old as my.........haha!

Hugh Jackman has visited my favorite temple, Zojoji, because Zojoji is one of the places where "The Wolverine", whose Japanese title is "ヴルヴァリン SAMURAI", was filmed. "The Wolverine"is set in Japan and was released in 2013.
I have some X-men's DVDs: "X-MEN", "X-MEN 2", "X-MEN Final Decision", and "The Wolverine X-MEN ZERO" (the websites I've linked to are written in Japanse).  I've watched the other ones, too.

Also I have other DVDs that he appeared in, such as "Kate & Leopold", "Van Helsing", and so on. I've  seen his "Australia", "Scoop" "The Prestige", and "Les Miserables"as well.

He is a good singer, too, you know. I'm looking forward to seeing his new film "The Greatest Showman", which will be released in December this year, in America. I'll see it in Japan though...so maybe next year?

The same drink that Hugh Jackman had at bills Ginza.

And I posed for a photo like Hugh Jackman had posed with the drink!
The staff told me that a latte art is not always a heartドキドキ So, I asked the staff that I wanted the same Heart one that Hugh Jackman had.

 With bills' "ricotta hotcakes, fresh banana and honeycomb butter"ホットケーキバナナ They tasted great!

bills' hotcakes were bigger than I had thought. I eat a lot, so I was happy about that, too. 
Hugh Jackman posted many photos and some videos while staying in Japan, and he is flipping ricotta hot cakes in one of these photos. The photo made me decide to have bills' ricotta pancakes.音譜
Hugh Jackman's official social media acounts:
Hugh Jackman's official Facebook
Hugh Jackman's official twitter
Hugh Jackman's official Instagram
You can see the photos he has posted even if you don't have any account of these.

In front of the waterfall at Ginza Six. I made a peace sign like Hugh Jackman had done in front of the digital waterfall. Hugh Jackman posted a video on his official social accounts while he visited Ginza six in Tokyo, Japan.
But I realized yesterday when I watched his video again that he had stood on the other side, not on the right side (seen from the front) in front of the water fall like me in this photo. How should I explain in English? I hope my English makes sense... You check out his video and you'll see what I mean.
Nowadays, there are soooo many restaurants and cafes that are serving pancakes or hotcakes in Japan, and many people say that Eggs 'n Things triggered the pancake boom in Japan.
I love Eggs 'n Things the best and I usually go to Eggs 'n Things to have pancakes, because Eggs 'n Things does serve big portions. I really like their pancakes with generous Whipped Cream.

Strawberry Whipped Cream and Macadamia Nuts Pancakes with three toppings: Banana, Blueberry and Pineapple.
いちごStrawberry Pancakes with generous Whipped Cream are like the symbol of Eggs 'n Things, but you can add other fruits to any pancake at Eggs 'n Thins in Japan, like in this photo. I've had this one twice with friends of mine. I think you can add toppings at Eggs 'n Things in Hawaii, too, but I'm not sure if their toppings include fruits like theseぶどうバナナ
On the other hand, I sometimes go to other reastaurants which are famous for their pancakes. So, I'll introduce pancakes that I have had at other restaurants or cafes so far. I think many of these restaurants or cafes offer seasonal pancakes or store-limited pancakes.
I had lunch with one of my best best friends at "A Happy Pancake"(the official website written in Japanese), January this year. We went to the Omotesando location, and we found that the restaurant has a nice atmosphere though it is the underground restaurant. You know, sometimes underground eateries and cafes are stuffy... I mean, we can't feel relaxed because of the gloomy atmosphere. But some have a cozy atmosphere even though they are located underground and I think A Happy Pancake Omotesando location is one of them. A happy pancake makes people happy, as its name indicates. Also Tully's Coffee Shop at Omotesando Hills has a good atmosphere though it is a cafe located underground.
I've never been to the other locations of A Happy Pancake besides the Omotesando one, but it seems that some locations have limited pancakes, like Kichijoji, Kyoto or Sendai.

I had this one, maybe the most standard item on the menu of A Happy Pancake.

And my friend, Akane Chan, had pancakes with bananas.
I actually didn't tell any of my friends except her that I started this English blog. I've told her so, because she is interested in healthy food, and I think the blog will help her somehow. So, I want to write about Chopped Salad Day some other time so that Akane Chan can enjoy reading. 
And Eggs 'n Things is serving a healthy menu "from Hawaii" right now. It's a seasonal menu which is available only during the month of June. And they start a new seasonal menu, "In Summer", on July 1st. I'm so excited!!!!
Oh, Akane chan and I are going to Eggs 'n Things Shonan Enoshima this summer. I'll have their exclusice pancakes. 

The next one is very unique....I ate this Coconut Berry (or Very) pancake at Sushiro, a conveyor belt sushi restaurant 寿司 Susiro, or スシロー (its website has an English ver.) sometimes collaborates with Very Fancy, which is one of the popular pancake restaurants in Japan. And Sushiro offered this berry one at a very reasonable price....it was 280 yen (tax not included). It was on the tropical menu Sushiro was serving during Spring this year.やしの木ハイビスカス  I ordered a cup of coffee too, at a sushi restaurant!!


The next restaurant is "茶香"、or Chaka, where I had lunch with friends many times a few years ago. So I have many photos of Chaka's pancakes including ones that my friends had. 

The first time I visited Chaka, I ordered this 太陽 (this kanji means the sun) pancake. It is still on the regular menu, I guess.

Akane Chan had this 星 pancake while the other friend ate one with pineapple.
We usually pronounce this Kanji character "Hoshi", which means a star in English. But Chaka read the kanji "Akari", and it is so called phonetic-equivalent character. I guess Akari pancake is also still on the regular menu.
Pumpkin pancakes that I ate in Autumn a few years ago.

My other friend ate 和 pancakes when I ordered the pumpkin ones. It is topped with Matcha ice cream. 和 is usually pronounced as "Wa", but we sometimes read it "Nagomi". "Wa" means Japanese-style, and "Nagomi" is calmness in English (maybe).

I like Chaka's parfait-style pancakes.

I really liked pancakes with melon parfait Chaka offered for a limited time a few years ago, and my three friends ordered the same ones.

This one is served with Mont Blanc parfait. It looks delicious, doesn't it? But to be honest, among these Chaka's pancakes, I liked the melon one the best.
Chaka is located in Kitasenju, Tokyo. Chaka is a small restaurant and operates a single location, but has a cozy atomosphere. It's more like a cafe. It serves seasonal pancakes, but maybe they are only available on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
Chaka is more and more popular especially among young girls, so it's more and more difficult to eat its pancakes. It seems that Chaka started taking reservations so you can make a reservation only on weekend and holiday mornings, but it sure is hard to get a reservation!
The last time I went there was in fall last year, to eat this light purple pancake.

It is a purple potato pancake served with potato salad.


Actually, I've had purple sweet potato pancakes at other cafe.

Ube pancakes at Y's cafe in Sangen-jaya, Tokyo. Ube is a Filipino word, and it means purple sweet potatoes. I went there with my friend last summer, and we both ordered Ube pancakes.
Also Eggs 'n Things in Japan has served purple potato pancakes during Halloween season last year, and two years ago as well.

I had these two last year. Halloween always falls on October 31th, and both were available from October 1st until October 31th last year.
I think Eggs (I sometimes call them like this) will be serving the same purple pancakes for Halloween this year, but I'm not sure. I hope they will.
As I wrote earlier, even cafes are serving pancakes or hotcakes. And Tully's Coffee in Japan also has pancakes.
Apple and Cinnamon pancakes that Tully's Coffee offered two or three years ago.リンゴ

This one was one of the seasonal items, so it's not available anymore.

Now Tully's Coffee is offering Classic Pancakes Maple Butter ホットケーキコーヒー So you can still order this one.
