米国ネバダ州での野外調査(岩石の反射スペクトル測定) | E.G.E.



(The English version is below.)



チームは4人で構成されており、JOGMECの2人に加え、小池研からは小池克明教授とDr. Nguyen Tien Hoang(ポスドク研究員)が参加しました。 米国西部の州であるネバダ州は、最も豊富な鉱物地域の一つであり、広大な砂漠のアルカリ砂漠を含む国の最も乾燥した州です。


研究チームは、地質リモートセンシングの分野で有名なGoldfield鉱区に加え、地熱地域であるVolcano Hillsで数百の岩石サンプルを取得し、反射スペクトルを測定しました。 天候は寒く、風が強い中でしたが、毎日午前8時から午後6時まで、スムーズに調査が行われました。これまでに得られた結果は進行中の研究に有益なものでした。


The cooperation research team between EGE and JOGMEC carried out a field survey in Nevada from October 28 to November 3, 2018, to verify a mineral-mapping method using remote sensing data. The team consists of two members of EGE, Prof. Katsuaki Koike and Dr. Nguyen Tien Hoang, and two members of JOGMEC, Drs. Yuu Kawakami and Shuho Noda. Nevada, a state in the western US, is one of the most abundant mineral regions and the aridest state of the country including vast sandy alkali deserts.


The team took and measured the reflectance spectra of hundreds of rock samples in the Goldfield mining district, a very famous site in the field of geologic remote sensing, and Volcanic Hills, a geothermal prospect area. Although the weather is cold and quite strong windy, the survey was done smoothly and successfully from 8 am until 6 pm every day. The preliminary results were helpful and promising for the ongoing research.


Photo 1. Prof. Koike was taking a rock sample on the top of a hill in Goldfield.


Photo 2. A mining site in Goldfield.


Photo 3. The team was entering to Volcanic Hills.


Photo 4. Prof. Koike was investigating a geological process in Volcanic Hills.


Photo 5. Enjoying American steak in Las Vegas while waiting for the return flight.


(All photos were taken by Dr. Hoang.)