It's the simple things in life ... | e.Front英会話スクール




like a cheap cup of black coffee and a nice gifted chocolate.


But on the topic of coffee, I need to rant a little. Just how many more times do shops intend to raise the price of their coffee!!?


Cafe Veloce, I'm looking at you. 330 yen for a regular black coffee? It was 190yen a few years ago. Lawson too. 130 yen just for hot coffee-flavoured water.


As a result, I've had to resort to extreme measures and find cheaper alternatives that offer better value for money. Such as instant coffee, ... bleh. I'm going to have to start bringing coffee from home and sit on a street corner by myself...


Rant over. Thank you for reading. (Don't get me started on the shrinking niku-man in the convenience stores.)