


1)クラブ 対 部活















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Third match of the Men's World Volleyball Championship Japan lost to Slovenia 3-1. Looking at total points 97-78 for Slovenia, attack kill percentage 60%-47%, kill blocks 13-1; in my opinion it wasn't even a close match. Population of Slovenia is barely 2 million people and volleyball is not even among their most popular sports. Population of Japan is almost 130 million. Budgets of Slovenian Volleyball Federation and Japanese Volleyball Federation are incomparable, ratio is even bigger then population difference. Since I worked in Slovenia for many years and coached several players that played the match against Japan I think I can compare two different systems.


1) Clubs vs schools

In Slovenia and whole Europe, kids don't practice sports within their schools or later universities. They start in clubs. Clubs usually have professional coaches who are fully devoted to their craft. Amount of practice time is also less then in Japan. Practice is shorter but more intensive. Focus is on quality, not quantity. One of the keys to player development is facing players that are older and better then yourself. Club system easily provides many of those opportunities. Often while they are still 17-18 years old player start playing in highest national division. My team that won National championship and Cup in Croatia was an age average of 18.5 


2) Career paths

Japanese and Slovenian players don't have very similar career paths. Japanese player will finish university usually at the age of 22 and then start playing club volleyball. Many will treat them as a young players. In Slovenia, when you are 22 they treat you as an experienced player. I'll take an example of Slovenia captain Tine Urnaut carrer. When he was 17 he already won a CEV Cup which was then the second strongest European club competition. Age 18 he played European Champions league which is the strongest club competition in Europe. Besides playing professionally for Slovenian champion club (starting at 16), by the age of 23 he played professionally in Greece, Italy and Poland. Now he is 29 and has played in 11 different clubs. This is just one example. Many Slovenian players went through similar paths.


3) Focus on physical

Slovenian team is taller then Japanese national team. They don't have shorter player then 200 cm in their line up. But also they are more explosive and jump quite high. It comes from a focus on physical training. Usually when they are 17 they start serious and methodical weight training. By the age of 22 they bodies are very strong and balanced. In Japan I have seen that many university players don't have serious experience with weight training. As a result they have various imbalances in their bodies and injuries as a result of it.


4) Changing sports

Science says it's not good for a players long term development to stick with one sport from early age. To develop your brain cells connections better, your agility, coordination, speed, reaction etc, it's better to practice as many sports as possible. It's not uncommon in Slovenia that before starting practicing volleyball at the age of 13-14, kids have already changed 5 different sports. It is natural that a kid tries sports and sees what he likes the most and where are his talents. I worked with many young players and can definitely confirm that kids who came to volleyball through other sports, catch up very quickly (few months) and in the long term develop into much better volleyball players. In Japan it's still prevailing to pick one sport early. 


5) Geographical position

Slovenia is surrounded by Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia. Some other countries like Serbia, Germany, Czech and Slovakia are also very close. It gives players and clubs many opportunities to play friendly games and various tournament. Facing more different styles, more different challenges, better and quicker player develops. Japan geographical position doesn't allow this possibility.