
This time I’ve ordered:



  1. New dose of vegan proteins. I have to emphasize they come with probiotics and enzymes which makes them super digestible

  2. Brain octane fuel. I take a lot of care for my brain health. This product contains caprylic acid triglycerides extracted from the most potent part of the coconut. Medium chain triglycerides can help with excess calorie burning. Ketone bodies are brains alternative source of fuel when glucose is not available and research shows that it’s even more efficient fuel source. Our cognitive abilities increase when brain uses ketones especially when beta-hydroxybutyric acid is present.

  3. Extra virgin coconut oil. I use it in smoothies, dressings, coffee… I have noticed that generally people in Japan stay from fats. This is probably because of bad fats like saturated fats from animal sources or cheap bad refined vegetable oils like corn oil, soybean, canola, sunflower… But there is something called essential fats. Our body cannot produce so they have to come from our diet. One of them is alpha-linoleic acid (omega-3). Extra virgin olive oil, extra virgin coconut oil, avocados, nuts and seeds are all great sources of good fat.

  4. L-Arginine. It is important amino acid. In our body it is converted into a nitric oxide so it improves blood flow, kidney function, immune system, stimulates growth hormone…  
    L- アルギニン。大事なアミノ酸です。私たちの体の中で、一酸化窒素に変わります。血流の流れをよくする、肝機能、免疫、成長ホルモン促進のために重要なものです。