
Truth is I learn more from football coaches then from volleyball. Managing a 53 players roster, 90 players at the beginning in a training camp, 15 assistant coaches, regular season, post season, long off-season, injuries, frequent personnel turnovers - is something very complex.



The team I support (New England Patriots) qualified today for another Superbowl and will have a chance to win it’s sixth title. In his 18th season head coach Bill Belichick (has Croatian roots and surname) helped them become one of the best teams in history of sport. Although in all those years basically all players and assistants changed, consistency of success remained.

私が応援しているチーム( ニューイングランド・ペイトリオッツ)  は、今日スーパーボールへの参加権を獲得しました。6回目のタイトル獲得のチャンスです。


Some of his coaching principles include in-depth game tactical preparations, caring about people, never resting on your laurels, paying attention to details, team before individuals, character before talent…



One player remained with him all this time. Quarterback Tom Brady (similar position to a setter in volleyball). Maybe the best greatest player off all time. Currently is 40 years old but again this season a main candidate for the MVP. He is super healthy and plans to play into his mid-forties!

ビル・べリチックが監督に就任してから、ずっと残っている選手が、一人います。トム・ブレーディー(ポジションは、クオーターバックで、バレーでいう、セッタのような役割) トム・ブレーディーは、おそらく、歴代至上最高の選手ではないかと思います。40歳ですが、今年もMVPの候補者の一人です。40歳ですが、まだ身体的にも健康で、40歳半ばまでプレーする予定だとのこと。


The way he practices, eats, rests and thinks is unique. He described how he remained injury free playing one of the most brutal sports in his recent book. I read it of course and Voreas players are already treated with some of his methods. But are still not aware of that 😊



