According to Anders Ericsson who is a world's leading researcher on peak performance and whose principles I've been following for years with a gift of the adaptability of the brain and body we can get better. 

To take advantage of adaptability we need to be involved in a practice which is purposeful and deliberate. It consists of specific goals, focus, feedback and getting out of comfort zone.

What I have seen often in Japan is repetition practice - doing the same thing over and over again and expecting to get better. Ericsson calls it naive practice and science says this way doesn't work.

指導に関して、私が基本としている学者がいます。 ピークパフォーマンスに関しての研究で世界的に有名なアンダース エリクソンです。


アンダース エリクソンは、この反復練習をナイーブプラクティス (回数をこなしているだけの、無知な練習)と呼び、科学者は反復練習は意味がないとしています。